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Holistic Veterinarians Listing, Phone and Local Consultation

When you have a phone consultation with an experienced professional licensed veterinarian who practice homeopathy and nutrition and teaches you how to care for your sick or injured pet at home, your furry kid will be grateful to you and will love you for that decision.

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The Holistic Veterinarian

Dr. Goldstein DVM. - "Of the tens of thousands of conventional veterinarians practicing in the United States, many are incompetent, careless or both. One of the most frequent requests for assistance that the Animal Legal Defense Fund receives is from people whose companion animals have suffered injuries, or even death, and who fear that negligence by their veterinarian was the cause. Unnecessary deaths and suffering have become commonplace. Holistic pet care essentially revolves around the notion that the best way to cure an animal that is ill is to help the animal cure itself. We are not the true healers of our pets; they are. By treating the root of the problem instead of its symptoms, holistic medicine enables our pets to regain and maintain their own well-being."

How about going into business with your pets? Holistic veterinarians aim not just for health, but also for resistance to disease. This can take time and some animals will never be totally free of adverse characteristics, but should live longer and healthier lives, with greater ability to fight off disease instead of being victim to whatever comes around. In practice this means an animal can have a so called fatal illness but have an immune system that with the right natural treatment can overcome the illness.

I personally know most of the holistic veterinarians listed in this page. I'm sure there are other veterinarians that offer phone consultation. Some may be very good and others not so good. Shirley

List of USA Holistic veterinarians:

Dr. Todd Cooney DVM offers personalized consulting to help your pet/herd/flock achieve a healthy, happy life. I work with all small and large animals, farms, domestic and exotics.

By becoming a client, you get direct communications via text, email or phone. His fee is based on time involved in communication and research regarding each situation, and is $45 / first 15 minutes, then $3 per minute. Average initial visit is usually 45 - 60 minutes total, and less with follow up work. Together with your observations and his experience and training, you can begin a journey to health for your pet/herd/ flock.

Chronic dis-ease is all too common. It is not always visible and gradually progresses. Common symptoms of chronic disease in animals are itchy, smelly skin and ears, arthritis, digestive upsets, diabetes, seizures, even cancer, to name a few.

A true cure is possible with homeopathy, which stimulates the body's natural ability to heal. Some cases show rapid change, restoring the body to natural health, but others may take time to achieve a healthier, happier life, with minimal symptoms. Chronic disease that is repeatedly suppressed by drugs and aggravated with multiple vaccinations, can only be helped with homeopathy. Cure is not possible in every case, but homeopathy is often the best palliative, or relief from symptoms, compared to drugs.

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Dr. Henry Kostecki, DVM offers local and phone consultation. He graduated from Texas A&M veterinary school in 1971 and is a member of the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy. He offer phone and distant homeopathic treatments for animals including dogs, cats, horses, rodents, farm animals and other small pets.

Some conditions that are treatable with homeopathy include cancer, heart disease, asthma, eye, ear and nose conditions, reverse sneezing, skin and itch, lameness, arthritis, spondylosis, hip displasia, hyper and hypothyroid conditions, autoimmune conditions such as lupus, pemphigus, rodent ulcer, gingivitis and stomatitis, feline urinary bladder conditions, inflammatory bowel disease and diarrhea, and some behavioral such as anxiety and fear.

"Here is what you can expect when you call me for a phone consultation: Before discussing your pet’s case, I will take basic client-patient & payment information. Then I will begin consultation by letting you describe the problem and your pet’s health history. I will ask questions to clarify and complete your description. I will arrive at a thorough, detailed evaluation of your pet’s symptoms by asking questions about the animal’s mental, emotional and physical state of being. Frequently, I will need to call you back after careful research to determine the remedy I think will be the most effective for your pet. I will ask you to call me back after a set interval of time to evaluate progress. This is a necessary part of effective treatment." $225 for the initial consult that also covers the first follow up call or email. Thereafter follow up calls/emails are $3.00/ minute and should be quite brief for most although I will have to do billable research for others. 775-762-2899

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Dr. Will Falconer, D.V.M. C ertified Veterinary Homeopath, Alternatives for Animal Health, Austin, Texas. Dr. Falconer accepts a limited number of new patients most of the year.

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri 1980. Practice followed, with the first seven years providing conventional medical and surgical care to creatures large and small.

Retraining in methods natural included certification in acupuncture by the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society, followed by certification as a Veterinary Homeopath by the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy.

Dr. Falconer has since 1992 dedicated his practice to classical homeopathy, with animal patients around the globe. Dr Falconer also uses an immune balancing formula in his practice.

The philosophy of Alternatives for Animal Health is that we work with your animal’s innate healing abilities to achieve an optimal state of health. This is best accomplished by the smooth working together of doctor, care giver, and animal.

The doctor depends on you the care giver to carefully watch and report on symptoms. He will use the information you provide to carefully guide the course of homeopathic care for your individual animal.

As no two animals are exactly alike, even if they have the same diagnosis, we will focus on how your individual animal manifests illness and health. This uniqueness will guide the treatment according to the clear principals of classical homeopathy.

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Dr. Michael Dym, DMV, Classical Veterinary Homeopathy -offers phone consultation - Experienced with the immune system

Dr. Dym is one of 250 veterinarians in the US trained in classical veterinary homeopathy by Richard Pitcairn, DVM, PhD. Dr. Dym is a presidential scholar graduate from Cornell University with his VMD from Penn. He is an active member of the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy and the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association.

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Dr. Charles E Loops DVM takes phone consultation for animals, large and small.

My philosophy about disease changed and my interest in classical homeopathy began. I studied with Richard Pitcairn, DVM, going to workshops that he offered for several years. I completed a year of study with Linda Johnston, M.D., author of Everyday Miracles who had a very successful homeopathic practice in Ca.. I have studied extensively and continue to do so. I progressively added homeopathy to my practice over a 4 year period and in February of 1992, I sold this practice so that I could devote myself to veterinary homeopathy exclusively.

My practice is mainly by referral and 95% by telephone consultation. I have treated thousands of cases using the principles of classical homeopathy and I continue to find this system of gentle healing to be the most effective therapy that has ever existed.

Page divider Dr. Dee Blanco DVM was trained at Colorado State University at a time when alternative medicine for animals did not exist. It was only after her own illness did she find homeopathy, which dramatically shifted her understandings about health and healing. She has practiced Holistic Medicine for most of her 28 years as a veterinarian with a focus in Classical Homeopathy and Nutritional Therapeutics. She consults via telephone from Santa Fe, New Mexico and has certifications in both Homeopathy and Acupuncture

"I am currently available for telephone consultations and use Classical Homeopathy and Nutritional Therapeutics for all types of animal dis-ease; physical and emotional. Although I am trained in allopathic medicine my first choice is to use natural methods that will assist the body’s already hardwired ability to heal. The Homeopathy stimulates the body's healing response, the nutrition and supplements feed the body, together they potentiate a more vital healing response. I am certified in Veterinary Homeopathy, trained by Dr. Richard Pitcairn, as well as other human homeopaths. I am also certified in Veterinary Acupuncture, trained through the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS). Currently I train with many of the country's foremost researchers and teachers in Functional/Nutritional medicine. Although I consult clients about Homeopathy, Nutrition and Nutracueticals my primary focus is education. It is through understanding the fundamentals of how to truly prevent illness we achieve the most resilient and resistant body. It is also through these concepts as to how the body maintains and sustains health, we can raise our expectations of wellness and vitality in our animals and ourselves." Dr. Blanco DVM

Dr. Blanco offer mini Course online to teach you how to care for your pet's health naturally and also how to help them recover from injuries caused by modern vet care.

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Jeffrey Levy, DVM "My clinical practice is devoted exclusively to homeopathic treatment for dogs, cats, and horses. I also teach advanced veterinary homeopathy in seminars around the U.S. Homeopathy is a powerful and sophisticated system of medicine. With homeopathic remedies, I have been successful in treating a wide variety of health problems, including many that are very serious or for which there is no conventional treatment.

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William Pollak D.V.M The Fairfield Animal Hospital 1-(888)-402-9142 provides Veterinary Medicine and Surgery; modalities include traditional as well as alternative approaches to healing.

The patient is seen as a member of a larger living environment in which the many varied dynamic forces of life take place. Attention is placed on encouraging rebalance at a higher level of Wellness rather than manipulating the symptoms of disease. Episodes of disease are periods in which rebalancing is attempting to take place. Nurturing the system through making more energy, life force and intelligence readily available (through nutrition and natural remedies) help shift the scale of life's dynamics to one of enhanced healing enabling the removal of the symptoms of disease. Phone consultations are available with William Pollak DVM.

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Dr Marlice Vonck DVM specializes in holistic veterinary natural care that enhances life quality in large and small animals. Does not practice homeopathy.

She has a deep love for animals and will patiently answer questions and educate the human family how to care for their sick animals. She has years of experience with using a immune balancing product to modulate the immune system and promote the healing process.

Telephone Consultations by Appointment (540) 315-3271

Email: DrMarliceOnline@KeepAnimalsNatural.com

Dr Vonck’s mission is to educate owners in how to optimize their pets’ health through species-specific appropriate nutrition, strategic natural supplements and natural preventatives, and by avoiding health damage minimizing exposure to chemicals, vaccines, pharmaceuticals and environmental toxins.

Dr. Vonck provides holistic veterinary consultations using only natural veterinary modalities such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, food therapy, Tuina massage, Postural Rehabilitation, Reiki, essential oils, flower remedies and nutraceuticals.

Holistic veterinary consultations are designed to promote thriving health by addressing any imbalances by prescribing strategic supplements and through identifying nutritional and lifestyle management strategies for the owner to help keep their pets optimally healthy. Many conditions can be relieved, such as (but not limited to) arthritis, behavioral issues, skin allergies, gastro-intestinal issues, metabolic issues such as diabetes, thyroid disease, cancer, incontinence and musculo-skeletal injuries.

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United Kingdom

Timothy W Couzens BVetMed, MRCVS, VetMFHom, CertVetAc, Veterinary Surgeon - Experienced with the immune system

Referral practice for complementary veterinary medicine, Herbal, Homeopathic and Nutritional Medicine, Bach Flower Remedies, Aromatherapy and Acupuncture --- Also consultations held by appointment at Brighton

The Holistic Veterinary Medicine Centre,
The Village Works, London Road,
East Hoathly
Lewes, East Sussex BN8 6QA --- Tel : 01825 840966

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Nicolas Baudin-J., vet graduate from the Alfort National Veterinary School, near Paris, in 1992. Since 1996, I have been working on cattle (beef, cows, calves, ewes, goats) and much more now on dogs, cats and horses. Specialized in homeopathy after a two year course il Lyon, in 1999 and 2000, getting instructed in Vet School in apiculture, to help finding alternate and new solutions to the bee CCD, I have moved back to university to be retaught in quantum physics and chemistry.

I have also participated to courses about cell biology, especially Vincent's bio-electronic and Cell Symbiosis Therapy. By the way, I have got a large panel of therapeutic tools and a holistic vision of medicine, in which the immune system has an important place, to propose to my customers. Since 1998, I have created my own lab to imagine, create and sell my self made food suppliants with medical claims to other vets, in France of course and in Europe and Quebec as soon as possible. My lab's name is Aqua Bio Vet. It is possible for me to offer distant consultation, I already have done it, it is not a problem with good interacting.

My opinion is to vaccinate as less as possible, only when the epidemic risk is real and if nothing makes me think that the immune system is able to answer correctly to the injection. Especially, on horses, I don't vaccinate against tetanus and flu each year as recommended, but every three years, that is all. We vaccinate too much in France. I advice raw food diet when it is possible