The Fulvic Acid Phenomenon
In plants, fulvic acid stimulates metabolism, provides respiration,
increases metabolism of proteins and activity of multiple enzymes,
enhances the permeability of cell membranes, cell division and
elongation, aids chlorophyll synthesis, drought tolerance, crop
yields, buffers soil pH, assists denitrification by microbes,
contributes to electrochemical balance as a donor or an acceptor,
decomposes silica to release essential mineral nutrients, detoxifies
pollutants such as pesticides and herbicides.
Whenever minerals come into contact with fulvic acid, in a water
medium, they are naturally dissolved into an ionic form. These
minerals literally become part of the fulvic acid itself. Once
the minerals meld into the fulvic acid complex, they become
bioactive, bioavailable, and organic.
Thus, when elemental minerals
are transformed into an organic state, through a natural chemical
process involving fulvic acid and photosynthesis, they are safe
to be used by both humans and animals. Humic substances naturally produce
Fulvic Acid. Humic substances consist of an immense arsenal and array of powerful phytochemicals,
biochemicals, supercharged antioxidants, free-radical scavengers, super oxide
dismutases, nutrients, enzymes, hormones, amino acids, antibiotics, antivirals,
antifungals, etc. Humic substances are found in rich humus soil in trace amounts.
They are also found in massive ancient plant deposits, never truly fossilized,
still remaining completely organic.
Most soils have produced food for hundreds of years. The minerals in those
foods were eaten generations ago. Now depleted, the produce grown is less nourishing
and healthy. Fertilizers may increase growth rates, but the produce has become
a hollow food. In addition, synthetic fertilizers may convert mineral ions into
insoluble complexes, making it difficult for the plants to absorb these essential
Benefits of Fulvic Acid: Earth's Natural Cure
Nature has a way of processing and refining minerals which is
called the Fulvic Acid Phenomenon. Organic fulvic acids are
created by micro-organisms in the soil, for the purpose of transporting
minerals and nutrients from the soil into a plant. From there,
complex photosynthesis reactions produce the components of all
the various parts of the plant. Muco-polysacharrides (complex
carbohydrate sugars) flow throughout the plant for nourishment.
Some is returned to the roots. There, the micro- organisms are
nourished and produce Fulvic Acid complex with minerals and
nutrients to restart the cycle again.
99 percent of Americans are deficient in minerals
and trace elements according to a U.S. Senate study. Most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous
diet deficiencies, which cannot be remedied until the depleted
soils from which our foods come are brought into proper mineral
The foods we eat, over-processed and void of many essential
nutrients, are grown in soils that have been over-planted and
saturated with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Many mineral
supplements are not easily assimilated by the body. Scientists
theorize that mineral deficiency subjects us, and our animals,;
to more diseases, aging, sickness and destruction of our physical
well-being than any other factor in personal health. To the
science of living cells, fulvic acids are vital in bringing
substantial amounts of nutrients and minerals into water solution
and delivering their living energies to the living cells.
Dr. Joel Wallach - "Almost all of the degenerative diseases--arthritis,
osteoporosis, dental problems, hypertension, heart disease,
cancer, bone spurs, kidney stones, muscular; dystrophy, carpal tunnel syndrome, cataracts, Alzheimer's disease,
and the list could go on--are either directly or indirectly related to mineral deficiencies. Our plants cannot manufacture
minerals, our soils never had all 60 minerals in them, and soils that were enriched with minerals are now depleted from intensive farming."
Animals Greatly Benefit from Fulvic Acid Minerals
The benefits of fulvic and humic acid comprise a long list, which keeps getting
longer and scientists discover more about this compound. It’s main benefit is that
it allows our cells to become more permeable and absorb nutrients better. This has
a number of positive effect on our overall health. Have you ever noticed your dog
eating dirt or poop? This is actually because their bodies are craving minerals
and this is how they would instinctively get it.
Humic substances naturally produce Fulvic Acid
Humic substances are the sum total of all once living organisms,
mostly plants, disassembled by nature’s brilliant decomposition and recycling
processes, then highly refined by millions of species of beneficial soil-based
microorganisms. Ultimately, microscopic plants such as yeast, algae, mold, fungi,
etc., finish up the process.
These tiny beneficial plants refine, purify, combine,
and re-refine, until tons of once-living matter are converted to pounds and
ounces. Yet miraculously, when it is all said and done, the end product is not
inert basic "dead" mineral elements, but is transformed into the world’s most
complex and ultra-compact molecules. Even the nucleic acids, RNA and DNA, of
the earlier life-forms remains intact.
Fulvic acid molecules are ultra-condensed and
highly functional, rolled up into tight little balls that are supercharged biochemical
and phytochemical power plants, similar to storage batteries or fuel cells. Where
did this supercharged power come from? It is sunshine light energy captured
during plant photosynthesis, and through decomposition it is converted and stored
within the interior of the world’s most refined and complex molecules.
Humic substances are considered nature's own best medicine for plants, animals,
humans, and the Earth itself. This lowly soil substance has the ability to clean
up the Earth’s environment, neutralize radiation and deadly toxins, heal the
agricultural lands, fuel the spark of life in living organisms, disarm and kill
infectious pathogens, destroy the deadliest viruses, prevent most, if not all
diseases, and even cure and restore diseased and damaged tissues and organs
in plants, animals, and man.
Fulvic acid is a Humic substance or extract. Fulvic acid is the end product
of nature's Humification process, which is involved in the ultimate breakdown
and recycling of all once-living matter, especially plants. Fulvic acid contains
all of the phytochemical protective substances, amino acid peptides, nucleic
acids, etc., from the original plant matter, highly concentrated, refined, transformed,
and enhanced by the actions of innumerable microscopic plants, such as fungi.
The Humification processes prevents the original phytochemical protective components
from completely breaking down and turning back into basic mineral elements or
gases. Many of the original components become complex enzymes, which
have seemingly miraculous function.
Fulvic acid has proven to be a powerful organic electrolyte, serving to balance cell
life. Fulvic acid readily complexes with minerals and metals making them available
to plant roots and easily absorbable through cell walls. If the individual cell
is restored to its normal chemical balance thereby turning its electrical potential,
we will have given life where death and disintegration would normally occur
within plant and animal cells.6 Fulvic acid has the outstanding ability to accomplish
this objective in numerous ways.
Fulvic Acids greatly enhance the bioavailability of important trace minerals.
Regenerate and prolong the residence time of essential nutrients in the cells.
Modify the damage or toxic compounds such as heavy metals and free radicals.
Enhance the permeability for digestive, circulatory, and cell membranes. Increase
the metabolism of proteins contributing to RNA and DNA synthesis. Increase the
activity of a multitude of enzymes.
Pesticides and herbicides may kill or greatly inhibit the micro-organisms in the soil responsible for solubilizing
minerals so the plant roots can absorb them. Literally, the minimal amounts of minerals left in the soil may become,
to a large part, insoluble and unabsorbable because of modem agricultural practices.
Fulvic Acid - Nature's Powerful Detoxifier
Fulvic acid acts as an important protective agent. An important aspect of humic substances is related to their
sorptive interaction with environmental chemicals, either before or after they reach concentrations, toxic to living organisms.
The toxic herbicide
know as Paraquat is rapidly detoxified by humic substances (fulvic acid). Fulvic acids have a special function with respect
to the demise of organic compounds applied to soil as pesticides.
As the most powerful, natural electrolyte known, fulvic acid;
restores electrical balance to damaged cells, neutralizes toxins and can eliminate food poisoning within minutes. When it
encounters free radicals with unpaired positive or negative electrons, it supplies an equal and opposite charge to neutralize
the free radical. fulvic acid acts as a refiner and transporter of organic materials and cell nutrients.
Fulvic Acid and Organic Tissue Growth
In one experiment, patients who required the replacement or
transplantation of bone were treated at the University Hospital
in Freiburg, Germany using fulvic acid as part of the therapy.
Due to the lack of human donor tissues, animal bone in the form
of bovine calcium hydroxyapatite, an inorganic calcium compound,
was used.
Two problems with such a procedure is that neither
animal bones or inorganic calcium are readily absorbed by the
human body. However, these problems were circumvented with the
use of fulvic acid. When fulvic acid was inserted into the animal
bone before replacement, the patients experienced dramatically
improved regeneration of the transplanted bones.
The fulvic acid was so readily accepted and used by the patients that their
bodies became highly osteo-conductive. This means that new bone
tissue began to form at an accelerated pace, thereby enhancing
growth and healing. The inorganic calcium was also absorbed
by the body due to the fact that the fulvic acid had transformed
it into an organic compound. At the end of the experiment it
was noted that, without the introduction of fulvic acid into
the bone tissues, healing was not accelerated and regeneration did not take place.
Relation of Fulvic Acid to Plants

The majority of research and experimentation that has been done on fulvic
acid is in relation to plants. Yet human beings have been ingesting fulvic acid
complexes regularly for over 60 years in supplemental form, and for thousands
of years from natural food and plant sources. Accumulating testimonials continue
to show that the beneficial properties related to plant studies and cell hold
true in relation to animal and humans as well. Clinical research on animals
and humans is currently underway, and updated information will be forthcoming.
Preliminary findings show that the most prominent diseases and health problems
of our day have been dramatically effected in positive ways by supplementation
or treatment with fulvic acid and other preparations enhanced or created with
fulvic acid.
Accumulating testimonials continue to show that the beneficial
properties related to plant studies and cell hold true in relation to animal and humans as well.
Clinical research on animals and humans show that the most prominent diseases and health
problems of our day have been dramatically effected in positive ways by supplementation or treatment with fulvic acid and other
preparations enhanced or created with fulvic acid.
Fulvic acid enhances the availability of nutrients and makes
them more readily absorbable.; It also allows minerals to regenerate
and prolong the residence time of essential nutrients.; It prepares
minerals to react with cells.; It allows minerals to inter-act
with one another, breaking them down into the simplest ionic
forms chelated by the fulvic acid electrolyte.
Scientists working with fulvic acid know that it also is an
ultramicroscopic substance that has a most unique messaging
relay system that is activated when it comes into contact with
living organisms. Fulvic acid sensitizes cells, passing on unique
information related to immunity. It also has been shown to assist
in activating protection and defense mechanisms that are able
to be passed on and remain with the organism for life, even
with just one contact.
To the science of living cells, fulvic acids are vital in bringing
substantial amounts of nutrients and minerals into water solution
and delivering their living energies to the living cells. Fulvic
acid assists every stage of cellular metabolism and is the most
powerful, natural electrolyte known. It restores electrical
balance to damaged cells, neutralizes toxins and can eliminate
food poisoning within minutes. When it encounters free radicals
with unpaired positive or negative electrons, it supplies an
equal and opposite charge to neutralize the free radical.
Fulvic acid acts as a refiner and transporter of organic materials
and cell nutrients.Whenever minerals come into contact with
fulvic acid, in a water medium, they are naturally dissolved
into an ionic form. These minerals literally become part of
the fulvic acid itself. Once the minerals meld into the fulvic
acid complex, they become bioactive, bioavailable, and organic.
Thus, when elemental minerals are transformed into an organic
state, through a natural chemical process involving fulvic acid
and photosynthesis, they are safe to be used by both humans
and animals. Bibliography for fulvic acids
Liquid minerals are often referred to as ionic or colloidal
minerals. The absorption factor of ionic minerals greatly exceeds
traditional tablet supplements. Fulvic acid plays an important
role in the production of ionic or colloidal minerals.) Like
fulvic acid, marine phytoplankton, and shilajit, are a source of complete natural ionic trace minerals and
other important nutrients. Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD,; from the Tennant Institute of Integrative Medicine, explains that the
micronutrients and electrolytes in plankton are exactly what human cell membranes need to carry out their metabolism.
Primordial Creation of Humus
About 200 million years ago, India was a large island off the Australian coast separated from the Eurasian continent by the Tethys Sea.
The Indian continent drifted north at a rate of about 9 meters a century. This movement lead to the eventual disappearance
of the Tethys Sea. 40 to 50 million years ago the Indian continent collided with the Asian continent. This caused the seabed of
the Tethys Sea to be pushed up and keep moving up to eventually form the Himalayan Mountains. The Himalayan Mountains continue
to rise more than 1 Centimeter a year. During this transition the mineral rich and fertile soil of the seabed gave rise to
a lush and dense tropical jungle. As the ground continued to be pushed up to become mountains a lot of the
plants became trapped by layers of rock and soil
and remained preserved for thousands of years. These plants had never been exposed to any
chemicals, fertilizers or pesticides. They are gradually transformed
into Humus, a rich organic mass that is food for new plant life.
Due to microbial action and the tremendous pressure from the
weight of the mountains the Humus was transformed into a dense,
viscous, mineral rich mass. The trapped layers of Shilajit become
exposed due to the freezing winters, hot summer sun and erosion
from monsoon rains. Shilajit will "flow" out from between the
cracks in the layers of rock during the summer when the temperature
of the mountains gets warm enough and the Shilajit becomes less
viscous. The native Nepali people them climb the mountains,
repel down cliffs to collect the Shilajit.
This organic matter is composed of a large variety of minerals.
Millions of years ago, before the Himalayas were formed, a lush
garden flourished in a vast fertile valley. The vegetation in
that primeval garden became trapped and preserved as the movement
of the continents caused that valley to become the tallest mountain
range in the world. Today, millions of years later the monsoon
rains and extreme freeze and thaw conditions work together to
crack large rock formations, exposing the precious shilajit.
Because of its ancient nature, the vegetation was never exposed
to any type of fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide, or pollution.
The native Nepali people collect and carry this gift of nature
down the mountain, where it is alchemically processed into a
potent, high-quality extract.
This ancient wisdom was passed from generation to generation
among the Indian and Nepali alchemists and holy men, but it
escaped the notice of the Western medical establishment until
the last days of the twentieth century, when explorer John Anderson
heard of the amazing benefits of this substance and refused
to give up the search until he found its source. He journeyed
throughout India and Nepal until he learned of the perilous
harvesting the raw shilajit from the cliffs. He also documented
the reams of Sanskrit studies showing the rare plant's benefits.
He spoke firsthand with more than fifty Indian and Nepalese
researchers that have been studying the wonderful effects of
shilajit and perfecting the processes for delivering the purest,
most concentrated shilajit ever know to man.
Shilajit is Obtained from Rock Fissures in the Himalayan Region
Shilajit in Sanskrit means "conqueror of mountains and destroyer
of weakness". It comes from the rocks in the lower Himalayas
and is the most important natural remedy of Ayurvedic medicine.
The active principle of shilajit is fulvic acid.
Shilajit is a form of mineral that drips from the cracks of the rocks
during hot weather. It is the decomposition of the plant
matter in the rocks centuries before. The bio-transformed
plant matter is extruded from the rocks by geothermal pressures.
It is collected in raw form for further purification. Walking
high in the Himalayan Mountains, a thick rich paste oozing
out from the rocks in the towering cliffs is Shilajit.
Shilajit is obtained from rocks in the Himalayan region.
It is a form of mineral that drips from the cracks of the
rocks during hot weather. It is the decomposition of the
plant matter in the rocks centuries before. The bio-transformed
plant matter is extruded from the rocks by geothermal pressures.
Shilajit is collected in raw form for further purification.
The active principle of shilajit is fulvic acid. Shilajit is the most important drug of Ayurvedic
and folk- medicine systems. In the raw form it is a bituminous substance, which is a compact mass of vegetable organic
matter composed of dark red gummy matrix. It is bitter in taste. Shilajit has been used for thousands of years and
for as many different health problems. It is listed as a healing agent in ancient Sanskrit writings and is used today in Ayurvedic health practices.
The discovery is said to be made by Himalayan villagers
observing large white monkeys migrate to the mountains in the
warm summer months. The monkeys were seen to be chewing a semi-soft
substance that flowed from between layers of rock. The villagers
attributed the monkey's great strength, longevity and wisdom
to the substance. They began to consume it themselves and reported
a broad spectrum of improvements in health. It seemed to give
them more energy, relieve digestive problems, increase sex drive,
improve memory and cognition, improve diabetes, reduce allergies,
improve the quality and quantity of life and it seemed to cure
all diseases. It increases the core energy responsible for sexual
and spiritual power the same force that is withered by stress
and anxiety. The use of Shilajit is for renewing vitality.
Shilajit in Sanskrit means "conqueror of mountains and destroyer
of weakness". Traditionally considered a panacea and a strong
kidney tonic, it increases the core energy responsible for your
sexual and spiritual power, the same force that is withered
by stress and anxiety. “There is hardly any curable disease
which cannot be controlled or cured with the aid of Shilajit.”
Famous Indian Vaid Charak (1st Century A.D.
Shilajit is used by the indigenous system of medicine in India,
Hakims and Vaids and traditional healers, in a great variety
of diseases: genitourinary diseases, diabetes,
chronic bronchitis and asthma, gall stones, jaundice, painful and bleeding piles, epilepsy,
enlarged liver and spleen, fermentative dyspepsia, digestive
disorders, worms, renal and bladder calculi, nervous debility,
sexual neurasthenia, hysteria, anaemia and in bone fracture.
The discovery is said to be made by Himalayan villagers observing
large white monkeys migrate to the mountains in the warm summer
months. The monkeys were seen to be chewing a semi-soft substance
that flowed from between layers of rock. The villagers attributed
the monkey's great strength, longevity and wisdom to the substance.
They began to consume it themselves and reported a broad spectrum of improvements in health.
Ancient Sanskrit holy texts, over 3,000 years old, make reference
to a mysterious substance called shilajit, which they describe
as the "destroyer of weakness." The texts list its powerful
health and spiritual benefits and the positive changes that
shilajit brought in the lives of those who used it. The sacred
substance was prescribed for thousands of years for many different
health problems and became a powerful tool in Ayurvedic medicine.
There is some indication that shilajit may have been the priceless
soma of the Eastern alchemists.
Shilajit in traditional medicine
“There is hardly any curable disease which cannot be controlled
or cured with the aid of Shilajit.” - Famous Indian Vaid Charak
(1st Century A.D.) Traditionally considered a panacea and a
strong kidney tonic, it increases the core energy responsible
for your sexual and spiritual power, the same force that is
withered by stress and anxiety.
Humic Substances in the Global Environment and Implications on Human Health
by N. Senesi
The proceedings of the 6th International Meeting of the IHSS
comprise invited papers that provide an up-to-date, comprehensive,
and critical overview of the state of the art in different areas
of the study of humic substances; and contributed papers that
present original results on the most recent advances in the
fundamental aspects of the chemistry and biochemistry of humic
substances and their applications in agriculture, industry,
and medicine, and in the interactions of humic substances with
environmental inorganic and organic species and organisms in soil, aquatic, and sedimentary systems.
Alcoholism Recovery with Fulvic Acid
Nov 5, 2005 - My husband is an alcoholic and suffers from anxiety,
depression and low self esteem, (among other things). After
reading everything he could about Fulvic Acid, he ordered Fulvic
Acid and he used the products for about 2 weeks and then discovered
that he did not want any alcohol. It wasn't that his goal was
to quit drinking, he just did not want a drink at all. No withdrawals.
That was over 2 months ago, and still today, he is "detoxed".
But that is not the only benefit he has experienced. He is
happy, energetic, self confident at work and at home and is
a totally different person. He used to have a phobia about
talking on the phone and now answers the phone without hesitation.
He confronts his fears with self confidence and it has followed
through at his place of employment. We are sharing the information
and success of Fulvic Acid with all our friends and family,
especially ones who we know would benefit from this product.
We have even given our family physician this information so
that he can pass this on to his patients who he treats for similar
conditions. By the way, my husband is 58 years old and has
suffered from these conditions for most of his life. In just
two months, he is enjoying life more than he has ever before.
Carol Trow, Newberg, Oregon, USA
Chlorine reacts Negatively when mixed with Humic Substances
Note: Chlorine reacts negatively when mixed with
humic substances especially fulvic acid, causing the production
of deadly carcinogenic THMs and MX. The water treatment industry
has known about this for many years, and because of this they
try to remove humic substances from culinary water before treating
it with chlorine. This situation is very well documented.
Chlorine is the deadly culprit, not the humic substances. Many
companies selling fulvic and humic based products do not know
about this problem, and may be extracting their health supplements
using chlorinated water. This presents a dangerous situation
to public health. Furthermore, it is important that health
supplements NOT be mixed or taken with culinary water that could
be chlorinated, or with juices reconstituted with chlorinated
water. Chlorine is a deadly chemical, and has the same dangerous
results when it comes into direct contact with many of the extremely
valuable phytochemicals contained in fresh fruits, vegetables,
and herbal extracts. It makes good common sense to avoid chlorine
as much as possible.