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Garlic and the Medicinal Healing Properties of Allicin

According to the British Journal of Biomedical Science, allicin is considered to be the most potent antibacterial agent in crushed garlic extracts. Garlic has been used since the days of the Egyptians to treat wounds, infections, tumors, and intestinal parasites. Several animal studies published between 1995 and 2005 indicate that allicin may reduce atherosclerosis and fat deposition, normalize the lipoprotein balance, decrease blood pressure, have anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory activities, and function as an antioxidant. Garlic has been widely reported to protect against cardiovascular disease by reducing serum cholesterol concentrations and blood pressure and by inhibiting platelet aggregation. Garlic detoxifies chemical carcinogens and prevent carcinogenesis and can also directly inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Allicin, the heart of garlic, stimulates immunity, including macrophage activity, natural killer and killer cells, and LAK cells, and to increase the production of IL-2, TNF, and interferon-gamma.

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Garlic's Wonderful Healing Qualities

ALLICIN- The Heart of Garlic Allicin has been referred to as "Mother Nature's defender," "The Heart of Garlic," which happens to be the name of a recent book by Peter Josling, Director of the Garlic Centre in East Sussex, United Kingdom, and more recently, "Nature's Antibiotic." They all seem appropriate when you consider that years of research conducted at the Garlic Centre, the world's leading garlic research center, have proven the pharmacological activities of allicin in many areas, including: anticoagulation, antihypertensive, antimicrobial, antibiotic, antiparasitic, antimycotic, antiviral, antitumoral, antioxidant, anti-aging, antiplatelet, detoxifies heavy metals, fibrinolusis, Humoral immunity (refers to antibody production, and all the accessory processes that accompany it), hypolipidaemic (lipid-lowering), and immune enhancer and modulator.

Medical researchers in America and Oxford, England have shown allicin to reduce total cholesterol levels by 12 to 40% when larger than maintenance amounts of allicin are consumed for a period of six weeks. Significant reduction of blood pressure was also experienced by the test subjects. John Hopkins Medical School reports that the most common cause of sinusitis is a fungal infection. Allicin is very effective with many fungi, including Aspergillus, Candida, Coccidioides, Cryptotoccocci, Histoplasma and Trichophyton.

"Allicin, the major component present in freshly crushed garlic, is one of the most biologically active compounds of garlic. We found that allicin inhibited the growth of cancer cells of murine and human origin."
European Journal of Pharmacology Volume 485, Issues 1-3, 6 February 2004, Pages 97-103

Study indicates health benefits of Allicin

Recently, researchers in Pennsylvania have shown that by injecting an allicin compound called diallyl disulfide, tumors can be reduced by half. Allicin breaks down in the body to diallyl disulfide. By adding the sulfur compound, sallylcysteine, it can stop cancer-causing agents from binding to human breast cells. In Iowa, a large group of 41,837 women, aged 55-69, were monitored for cancer incidence for five years via the State Health Registry. The results showed that consumption of garlic was inversely associated with risk of developing colon cancer, similar to earlier studies done with vegetable and fruit consumption.


The Heart of Garlic Currently, there are several National Health Service hospitals in the UK that use allicin to treat methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) that have become resistant to all penicillin drugs, like methicillin, oxacillin, and amoxicillin. According to the British Journal of Biomedical Science, 2004 61 (2), "allicin is considered to be the most potent antibacterial agent in crushed garlic extracts."

This paper describes the main biological properties of stabilized allicin (Diallyl thiosulfinate) and confirmed activity against multi-drug resistant bacterial infections such as methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Several case studies are reported to show how stabilized allicin in capsule, cream, and liquid formulations can be used to resolve existing MRSA infections that were completely resistant to pharmaceutical antibiotic treatment. Patients generally found the treatments very acceptable and free from side effects. Clearly, stabilized allicin formulations offer a safe natural alternative or addition to drug treatment and are seen to be very effective in terms of both resolution of infection and wound healing capabilities.

Garlic use dates back to Antiquity

Garlic has been used since the days of the Egyptians to treat wounds, infections, tumors, and intestinal parasites. Garlic's reputation as a powerful medical herb dates back to over 5,000 years. It's usage's vary throughout it's history. For instance, the Encyclopedia reports that "Four garlic bulbs were found in King Tut's tomb, obviously intended to feed the pharaoh in afterlife. Roman gladiators ate garlic before combat, and Roman nobleman gave garlic to their laborers and soldiers". During World War II, a time when antibiotics were scarce, garlic was placed in the wounds to prevent infection. Needless to say, garlic has been in existence for many years with the intention of healing.

Garlic (Allium sativum) is a member of the lily family along with onions. Garlic is a rich source of allicin, chromium, phosphorous, and sulfur containing amino acids. A compound Diallyl sulfide (DADS) is found in garlic oil and is shown to inactivate potent carcinogens in animal studies. DADS reduces the metabolism of nitrosamine (a lethal, naturally occurring carcinogen produced by the liver).

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The many Benefits of Garlic

A handful of Americans can say that "Garlic is good for you because it thins your blood or is good for your heart." However, the benefits of garlic in regards to one's health is far more entailed than one might think. According to the National Cancer Institute, garlic lies among the top of the list of foods ingested as a potential weapon against many types of cancer. With all of the recent research done on garlic and it's medical purposes, I can validate the reasons for it's prevention against many types of health related issues. Garlic contains agents that protect us from breast, colon, and gastric cancer. It also inhibits the growth of tumors and lowers serum cholesterol.

The health benefits in regards to garlic are empowering. Recent research indicates that garlic is sought to be a protective agent against various cancers. Nickolay Dimitrov, Ph.D., of Michigan State University at Lansing, said that "aged garlic extract, when fed to human volunteers, inhibited breast cancer formation by promoting the beneficial prostaglandin Es, hormone- like substances, in the serum and by stimulating the phagocytic, scavenger cell, activity of the white blood cells to devour carcinogens." This finding is a positive step in the prevention of breast cancer, which is the leading cause of cancer among women. The National Cancer Society estimates that 183,000 new cases of this cancer are diagnosed each year in the United States.

Studies on the Medicinal Properties of Garlic

Hand holding Garlic bulb John Miller, Ph.D., of Pennsylvania State University reported in April of 1995, that "a compound in garlic shrinks tumors from human growth cells that were transplanted in mice. Considering lung, colon and skin cancers are the three most common human cancers, Sujatha Sundaram, Penn State doctoral student in nutrition, describes how diallyl disulfide depressed the growth of these human cancer cells or killed them. Diallyl disulfide (DADS), effectiveness in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells works on colon, skin and lung cancer even though the rate of growth differs among the three.

Dr. Herbert Pierson, formerly with the Designer Foods Research Program at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), says that "evidence concerning garlic's anti- cancer benefits in people has been mounting steadily. Several different studies have shown a link between garlic and lower incidences of stomach cancer; another study shows lower risks of colorectal cancer. Another finding from the University of Limburg in the Netherlands, used epidemiological data from China and Italy indicates that with diets rich in garlic can reduce the risk of gastric cancer.

A study conducted by William Harris, Ph.D., director of the Lipid and Arthiosclerosis Prevention Clinic at the University of Kansas Medical Center at Lawrence reported new evidence that "garlic protects the LDL particles in a way that makes them less susc eptible to free- radical oxidation." Furthermore, "The oxidation process has been liked to heart disease. Thus, this preliminary research implies that concentrated garlic tablets may reduce the risk of heart disease through garlic's antioxidant powers."

Several studies hint that garlic has the ability to reduced cholesterol, as well as combat plaque formation in the arteries. Studies have looked at garlic extract and garlic powder as well as isolating the components of garlic. Garlic's ability to lower serum cholesterol in the blood can in turn reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. A study conducted on the amount of garlic and onions consumed and the effects of triglyceride and cholesterol levels was done by dividing volunteer's into three groups based on their dietary habits: "1) those who ate liberal amounts of garlic and onions; 2) those who ate small amounts of garlic and onions; and 3) those who did not eat garlic and onions at all".

"Researchers then compared the cholesterol and triglyceride levels of the three groups," Mimdell reported. "Those who ate garlic and onions liberally averaged 25 percent lower in cholesterol levels than those who abstained. Those who ate liberal amounts of garlic and onions had an average of half the triglycerides of those who didn't eat garlic or onions ." Mimdell concluded that "Aggressive research shows that garlic effectively reduces the blood cholesterol levels in two ways, first, it slows down endogenous cholesterol synthesis, your body's own manufacture of cholesterol. Secondly, garlic helps your body transport fats from the tissues where they are stored to the bloodstream, which enables them to be eliminated from the body.

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Garlic shown to inhibit the growth of cancer

Of the many beneficial actions of garlic, inhibition of the growth of cancer is perhaps the most remarkable. Garlic can detoxify carcinogens by stimulation of cytochrome P(450) enzymes, antioxidant activity or sulfur compound binding. Studies demonstrate a direct toxic effect of garlic to bladder cancer and other malignancies, sarcoma and gastric, colon and prostate cancer cells in tissue culture. The most likely explanation of this effect is immune stimulation. Comparison of the effects of garlic to BCG immunotherapy reveals many similarities. Both stimulate proliferation of lymphocytes and macrophage phagocytosis, induce the infiltration of macrophages and lymphocytes in transplanted tumors, induce splenic hypertrophy, stimulate release of interleukin-2, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interferon-gamma, enhance natural killer cell, killer cell and lymphokine-activated killer cell activity. These activities represent effective stimulation of the immune response. Studies suggest that garlic may be useful in preventing the suppression of immune response that is associated with increased risk of malignancy. Data suggest that maintenance of immune stimulation can significantly reduce the risk of cancer. (Lamm D & Riggs D, J Nutr, 131(3): 1067S, 2001)

Research shows garlic (allicin) contains compounds that can help prevent and cure infections, certain types of cancers including, stomach, skin, breast, esophageal, oral, and colon, reduce the bodies stress from pollution, enhance the immune system, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, arthritis, asthma, circulatory problems, colds and flu, digestive disorders, insomnia, liver disease, sinusitis, and ulcers. Garlic is good for virtually any disease or infection .

Jonathan Isaacsohn, M.D., of Yale University said that "recent scientific studies have confirmed the folklore belief that garlic has therapeutic benefits on serum lipids". The study that confirms this statement was the largest study conducted by the Germ an Association of General Practitioners. "261 patients were randomized to receive either 800 mg. of garlic powder per day (standardized to contain 1.3 percent allin) or a placebo and to maintain this therapy for four months," Isaacsohn said. " The cholesterol levels were reduced by 12 percent and the triglyceride levels by 17 percent. Those patients with higher baseline levels of cholesterol (greater than 250 mg/dl) achieved greater cholesterol lowering".

Natural breakthroughs Eric Block, Ph.D., professor and chairman of the department of chemistry at the State University of New York at Albany, found interest with garlic and it's anti-clotting characteristics. Because blood clots contribute not only the leading cause of death in the United States but is also one of the major causes of heart attacks, Block focused on researching garlic and it's ability to reduce clotting. Garlic helps prevent the formation of blood clots which in turn aids in the promotion of good circulation. Block discovered that there is a naturally occurring compound in garlic called ajoene, "which seems to be the most active to change the surface membrane of Platelet cells so they're less likely to stick together". Ajoene may also affect the platelet's ability to produce thromboxane, a chemical that causes clumping," Block said.

Among garlic's preventative, cancer characteristics, it also has many therapeutic advantages. It is a natural, potent antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal herb. A study done at Boston University School of Medicine, conducted tests in which garlic proved to be as effective as an antibiotic in killing 14 types of bacteria in reoccurring ear infections among children. Not only does garlic reduce cholesterol and help prevent the formation of internal blood clots that trigger heart attacks but it is also a diuretic, a stimulant, an expectorant and a sweat promoter. For centuries, garlic has been a popular remedy for common colds, coughs, and sore throats.

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Garlic is one of Natures most Broad Spectrum, Antibacterial Agents

Hand holding Garlic bulb It counteracts the growth of many forms of bacteria and fungi that cause disease. Allicin, the compound found in fresh garlic that constitutes antibiotic and anti-fungal properties, kills or at least cripples 72 infectious forms of bacteria. Among the list of bacteria's that spread are diarrhea, dysentery (an infectious disease of the colon, with painful diarrhea that becomes mucous and hemorrhagic), botulism, tuberculosis and encephalitis among other diseases.

As scientists struggle to find new ways to fight bacteria that resist almost every drug in the antibiotic arsenal, a group of Boston University Medical researchers have made a significant discovery about garlic. "It's a surprisingly effective weapon against some of the most dangerous antibiotic - resistant bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumonia. Researchers found that an aqueous extract of fresh garlic cloves was effective against more than a common strains of bacteria".

Sulfides, which are found in garlic and cruciferous vegetables, are compounds which deactivate steroidal hormones and promote the growth of tumors and inhibit carcinogens. Also sulfides reduce blood pressure and prevent the formation of blood - clots which can cause heart attacks and strokes. Because garlic enhances the activity in the immune system and increases the number of natural killer cells, it's ability to destroy tumor cells, virus infected cells and foreign invaders increase. If garlic has the ability to dramatically enhance the immune system of healthy people than it might be able to help people with a compromised immune system, such as AIDS patients.

Research conducted by Dr. Tarig Abdullah and his colleagues at the Akbar Clinic and Research Center in Panama City, Florida, led to the conclusion that raw garlic and the Japanese garlic extract Kyolic dramatically increased the ability of the immune system's natural killer cells. The result of this research could have important implications for the treatment of infections, cancer, and even AIDS. Dr. Abdullah believes that garlic may speed up the immune defenses and may combat many fungal- type infections.

Growing Great Garlic It's ability to reduce blood pressure is an herbal and medical breakthrough. The significance of garlic being a very effective natural and anti- hypertensive agent should be widely recognized. Author Robert Crayhon, M.S., says "garlic has been found to lower both diastolic and systolic blood pressure when consumed regularly. Garlic has been found to be an important stimulator of the body's defense system, or the immune system." Crayhon goes on to say that "garlic has been shown to lower blood sugar levels. This is of value to diabetics who often take medication to keep blood sugar levels normal".

In one study, Arun Bardia, M.D., gave garlic to one group of people who had suffered myocardial infraction more than a year before. Another group was given garlic within 24 hours after their heart attack. He reported that "garlic led to a swift, significant rise in fibrinolytic activity within a few hours." Whatever the concentration of study, it is comforting to know that an organic substance has the properties of fighting infection and preventing forms of cancer and diseases. However this begins th e technical saga with the FDA and it's stringent regulations.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a federal agency that is responsible for the protection of the world's health. Garlic, a cultivated herb that has many health advantages can't be marketed if any hints of it's medical purposes exist on the label . An agency that is so concerned about our Nation's health leaves the population limited to knowledge regarding natural herb's with medical advantages. If garlic were to be sold and it's label advertised "Garlic lowers serum cholesterol in the blood" it would be confiscated off the market. "Earlier this year, the Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London, a prestigious medical journal , analyzed 16 studies to conclude that, compared with people who took placebos, garlic users showed an aver age cholesterol reduction of 12 percent. A similar review of other studies last year in the Annals of Internal Medicine showed that eating just one clove of garlic a day reduced cholesterol levels an average of 9 percent".

Garlic and You: The Modern Medicine With the incidence of hyper- cholesterol on the rise, the public awaits a medical breakthrough. It might be common knowledge for Physicians and those in the health professions that garlic helps reduce cholesterol levels significantly, but what about the rest of the world? Why do government agencies prohibit the advertisement of natural herbal medicine if it does in fact promote better health?

If one herb has crossed the boundaries between food and medicine it is garlic. It's existence has been utilized as a medical herb that has the potential to prevent, heal and ward off bacteria. Americans do not realize the full value of garlic. Heart at tacks are the leading cause of death in the United States averaging about 1.5 million deaths a year. Studies suggest that garlic might help prevent up to 360,000 of them, which averages about 30,000 a month.

For those people who have problems with cholesterol and seek medical help costly drugs are the prescribed route to go. No wonder people in this world are chemically dependent and broke. Physicians rather recommend a drug that costs 1 to 2 dollars a day drug with side effects ranging from as constipation, vomiting and loss of appetite, vitamin deficiencies to bleeding. The patient will eventually return for a prescription renewal and get more drugs to control the side effects. A simple solution as fresh garlic and a low fat diet is what our country needs to see more of. I'm not saying that everyone who has high blood pressure just has to eat garlic and everything will be OK. I'm saying that natural remedies such as garlic are being knocked over in the supermarkets while over the counter drugs are being promoted by the FDA. Everyone is so concerned with making a buck that they forget about what is really healthy for us.

European countries have widely accepted the usage's of herbal medicine. Why is it that our country is shutting out what we really need. Under the regulations of the FDA, you can't claim an herb to be a drug. Another problem linked to this is that consumers are being misinformed about natural remedies. Because the FDA is not actively regulating herb's as drugs, there is no real way to decipher whether some products are safe, dangerous, or just worthless.

Modern lifestyle is the main cause for modern disease. Yet, modern treatments for modern diseases just don't seem to work. Health care costs have skyrocketed over the years and in this country alone over 800 million is spent annually on health care alone. Much of these costs can be eliminated by proper nutrition. Holistic healing, low- fat diets, a reduction of refined sugar and salts, more cruciferous vegetables, fruit, grains and fiber is what needs to be incorporated in everyone's diet. It's time to return to nature and it's ability to heal.

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Allicin is the Key Component from Garlic

Recently the medical journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy have confirmed the chemotherapeutic Effects Of Garlic. A molecular mechanism may be the basis for some of garlic's therapeutic effects. The researchers were able to study how garlic works at the molecular level using allicin, garlic's main biologically active component.

One study, appeared a recent issue of the American Society for Microbiology's Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, explains how allicin fights infection. This research supports the notion that garlic is an excellent, although smelly, natural antimicrobial drug that can disable an unusually wide variety of infectious organisms.

The second study, reported in Biochimica Biophysica Acta, helps to clarify the role allicin plays in preventing heart disease and other disorders. In the studies, the scientists revealed and characterized a molecular mechanism by which allicin blocks certain groups of enzymes. Allicin, created when garlic cloves are crushed, protects the plant from soil parasites and fungi and is also responsible for garlic's pungent smell.

A natural weapon against infection, the research reported in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy revealed allicin disables dysentery-causing amoebas by blocking two groups of enzymes, cysteine proteinases and alcohol dehydrogenases. Cysteine proteinase enzymes are among the main culprits in infection, providing infectious organisms with the means to damage and invade tissues. Alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes play a major role in these harmful organisms' metabolism and survival. Because these groups of enzymes are found in a wide variety of infectious organisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses, this research provides a scientific basis for the notion that allicin is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial, capable of warding off different types of infections.

"It has long been argued that garlic can fight a wide range of infections and now we have provided biochemical evidence for this claim," the authors write. The role of allicin in warding off infection may be particularly valuable in light of the growing bacterial resistance to antibiotics. It is unlikely that bacteria would develop resistance to allicin because this would require modifying the very enzymes that make their activity possible.

Scientists found that allicin blocks the enzymes by reacting with one of their important components known as sulfhydryl (SH) groups, or thiols. This finding has important implications because sulfhydryl groups are also crucial components of some enzymes that participate in the synthesis of cholesterol. By reacting with and modifying the sulfhydryl groups in those enzymes, allicin may prevent the production of artery clogging cholesterol. "It has been suggested that garlic lowers the levels of harmful cholesterol, and our study provides a possible explanation for how this may occur," the authors write. "However, more research is necessary to establish what role allicin might play in preventing the clogging up of arteries."

Complicating the issue is the concern blocking sulfhydryl groups in proteins may sometimes be harmful because these groups are also present in enzymes involved in some of the body's vital processes. However, unlike most bacteria, human tissue cells contain detoxifying molecules of a substance called glutathione, which helps maintain appropriate sulfhydryl levels. These glutathione molecules can reverse the anti-sulfhydryl effects of small amounts of allicin.

Measuring antioxidant activity while reaction with sulfhydryl groups appears to explain most of allicin's activity, it has also been suggested allicin acts as an antioxidant. The study reported in BBA confirmed this antioxidant effect and for the first time provided its quantitative assessment. Antioxidants gobble up harmful free radicals believed to contribute to tumor growth, atherosclerosis, aging and other processes. Producing pure allicin in large quantities in nature, allicin is created when garlic cloves are cut into or crushed. The cutting or crushing causes two components of garlic, alliin and the enzyme alliinase, to interact.

The pure allicin can be stored for months without losing its effectiveness. In contrast, allicin extracted normally loses its beneficial properties within hours because it begins to react with garlic's other components as soon as the clove is crushed. The extracts are taken from Allicin - Garlic's Magic Bullet by Peter Josling In this publication you will find in depth information about allicin and and all its properties.

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Reduce the Complications of Pregnancy naturally with Garlic

New research shows that taking garlic during pregnancy can cut the risk of pre-eclampsia (raised blood pressure and protein retained in the urine). Studies reveal that garlic may help to boost the birth-weight of babies destined to be too small. The research was carried out by Dr D Sooranna, Ms J Hirani and Dr IDas in the Academic Department of Obstertrics and Gynaecology at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London UK. They concluded that although pre-eclampsia and growth retardation are complex multifactoral conditions, taking standardised garlic tablets (for further details please contact us) throughout pregnancy may decrease the chances of these types of complictions at birth. They focused on growth retarded babies and pre-eclampsia, a potentially dangerous condition for mother and baby which occurs in about one in ten pregnancies. Experiments by the research team showed that adding extracts of garlic to cells from the placenta of women likely to suffer from these conditions was able to quickly stimulate growth. Furthermore, the activity of key enzemes that are reduced in the abnormal pregnancies were significantly increased when garlic was added.

Medicinal Healing Garlic Recipes

Garlic supplements have an important part to play in the treatment of high cholesterol and that this paper reviews all the published and unpublished data from around the world. Overall a 12% reduction in total cholesterol was shown over a placebo and that this reduction was normally evident after only 4 weeks treatment and that this was likely to persist for as long as the study was in progress.

Syrup of Garlic is an invaluable medicine for asthma, hoarseness, coughs, difficulty of breathing, and most other disorders of the lungs, being of particular virtue in chronic bronchitis, on account of its powers of promoting expectoration.

It is made by pouring a quart of water, boiled hot, upon a pound of the fresh root, cut into slices, and allowed to stand in a closed vessel for twelve hours, sugar then being added to make it of the consistency of syrup. Vinegar and honey greatly improve this syrup as a medicine. A little caraway and sweet fennel seed bruised and boiled for a short time in the vinegar before it is added to the Garlic, will cover the pungent smell of the latter.

Garlic: Nature's Original Remedy A remedy for asthma, that was formerly most popular, is a syrup of Garlic, made by boiling the bulbs till soft and adding an equal quantity of vinegar to the water in which they have been boiled, and then sugared and boiled down to a syrup. The syrup is then poured over the boiled bulbs, which have been allowed to dry meanwhile, and kept in a jar. Each morning a bulb or two is to be taken, with a spoonful of the syrup.

Syrup made by melting 1½ oz. of lump sugar in 1 oz. of the raw expressed juice may be given to children in cases of coughs without inflammation.

The successful treatment of tubercular consumption by Garlic has been recorded, the freshly expressed juice, diluted with equal quantities of water, or dilute spirit of wine, being inhaled antiseptically.

Bruised and mixed with lard, it has been proved to relieve whooping-cough if rubbed on the chest and between the shoulder-blades.

An infusion of the bruised bulbs, given before and after every meal, has been considered of good effect in epilepsy.

A clove or two of Garlic, pounded with honey and taken two or three nights successively, is good in rheumatism.

Garlic has also been employed with advantage in dropsy, removing the water which may already have collected and preventing its future accumulation. It is stated that some dropsies have been cured by it alone.

If sniffed into the nostrils, it will revive a hysterical sufferer. Amongst physiological results, it is reported that Garlic makes the eye retina more sensitive and less able to bear strong light.

The juice of Garlic, and milk of Garlic made by boiling the bruised bulbs in milk, is used as a vermifuge.

Preparations. Juice, 10 to 30 drops. Syrup, 1 drachm. Tincture, ½ to 1 drachm.

Wine of Garlic-made by macerating three or four bulbs in a quart of proof spirit is a good stimulant lotion for baldness of the head.

Used in cookery it is a great aid to digestion, and keeps the coats of the stomach healthy. For this reason, essential oil is made from it and is used in the form of pills.

Garlic, Vinegar, Honey - Miracle Home Remedy

Honey, Garlic, &Vinegar Top doctors have revealed that the combination of raw organic garlic, raw organic apple cider vinegar and raw organic honey is a wonder drug that can cure everything from cancer to arthritis. Amazing studies from respected universities around the world prove the miracle home remedy that costs just pennies a day to make, is a super way to fight just about any affliction. Experts have verified that this health restoring trio of garlic, vinegar and honey can wipe out both common and uncommon aliments. Successes include ache, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, asthma, high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, infertility and impotence, toothaches, obesity, ulcers and many other diseases and conditions. In a study of arthritis victims, Dr. Angus Peters of the University of Edinburgh's Arthritis Research Institute found a daily dose of vinegar and honey reduced pains by 90 percent.

A daily dose of raw organic garlic and raw organic vinegar has proved to be a powerful fat destroyer and weight reducer, according to Dr. Raymond Fish of London's famous Obesity Research Center . The prestigious British medical journal Lancel reported that cholesterol levels plunged on average from 237.4 to 221.4 after volunteers consumed 50 grams of garlic and four ounces of butter. The study proved the dangers associated with high fat foods can be neutralized by adding garlic to your diet. A study of 261 adult patients by the German Association of General Practitioners indicated that serum cholesterol and triglyceride level factors associated with the risk of heart disease, are significantly reduced by regular use of garlic in the diet.

Studies at Houston's MD Anderson Cancer Institute in Houston, the Pennsylvania State University and GCLA support earlier evidence that certain ingredients in garlic block agents the cancer of the breast, colon, esophagus and skin. The National Cancer Institute found in a study of 1,000 people that eating a lot of garlic is linked to a reduced risk of stomach cancer. Dr. Etik Block of the State University of New York at Albany has discovered garlic unleashes at least 100 sulfur producing components, all of which are powerful medicines. There appears to be little doubt that this astounding remedy of garlic, vinegar and honey can extend life by protecting the user from many proven killers.