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Miracle of Healing Clay

Clay is renowned to have many uses in promoting health in plants, animals and humans. Calcium Bentonite, Pascalite, and other types of healing clays, have been used by indigenous cultures since before recorded history. Naturally absorbent and extremely gentle on the system, Calcium Bentonite clay is a powerful internal and external cleanser. Edible healing clays can treat various skin and internal ailments and attracts and neutralizes poisons in the intestinal tract. It can eliminate food poisoning and parasites. It adsorbs radiation. It enriches and balances blood.

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Therapeutic Edible Clay

Clay provides an impressive assortment of minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, manganese, and silica as well as trace elements—those appearing in very tiny amounts. Without the basic minerals, life cannot exist; without the trace minerals, major deficiencies will develop. The lack of either will make it impossible for the body to maintain good health.

Results from one study carried out in 1998 showed that bentonite clay was extremely successful at absorbing harmful rotavirus and caronavirus toxins within the gut of young mammals. Rotaviruses are one of the leading causes of gastrointestinal distress, such as diarrhea and nausea, in infants and toddlers.

Clay also re-mineralizes cells and tissues, alkalizes the body and is very effective in protecting our bodies against radiation. "Russian scientists use bentonite to protect their bodies from radiation when working with nuclear material, by coating their hands and bodies with a hydrated bentonite "magma" before donning radiation suits.

Dr. Jensen, N.D., D.C., Ph.D., suggests using bentonite to absorb radiation from the bones. Since so many of us are subject to various forms of radiation, whether from X-rays or television or computers, this would be something to consider. This could be extremely important for those who have undergone radiation treatment for cancer. Bentonite adsorbs radiation so well, in fact, that it was the choice material used to dump into Cherynobl after the nuclear meltdown in the former Soviet Union.

Studies show that the use of volcanic ash clay internally goes back to the Indians of the high Andes mountains, tribes in Central Africa and the aborigines of Australia. Taken internally, it supports the intestinal system in the elimination of toxins. The application of clay has achieved miraculous healing of Buruli Ulcer - mycobacterium ulcerans which is similar to leprosy and tuberculosis mycobacterium or flesh eating disease.

Clay has been reported to eliminate food poisoning, colitis, food allergies, viral infections, and parasites. Medicinal clay is used word wide as an effective treatment for arthritis, cataracts, diabetic neuropathy, pain, wounds, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, animal and insect bites, acne, anemia alcoholism and for digestive conditions.

Scientists have discovered that certain clay minerals near hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean can act as incubators for organic molecules. Geochemist Lynda Williams, from Arizona State University, believes her study, published in Geology, shows how some of the fundamental materials necessary for life might have originally come into existence. Williams' findings are based on research that mimicked the conditions found in and around hydrothermal vents.

Calcium Bentonite Clay is reported to contain no less than 57 minerals. This impressive assortment of minerals includes calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica as well as trace elements, those appearing in very tiny amounts. The mineral content being extremely high sets the stage for replenishing dietary deficiencies.

Today more than ever before, diets are lacking essential trace minerals and micronutrients. Without the basic minerals, life cannot exist; without trace minerals, major deficiencies may develop. Lack of either will make it impossible for the body to maintain good health and function properly.

In clay the minerals occur in natural proportion to one another encouraging their absorption in the intestinal tract. Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay restores minerals in the tissues where they are needed. Furthermore, minerals are the carriers of the electrical potential in the cells which enable the hormones, vitamins, and enzymes to function properly.

Calcium Bentonite, also known as 'living clay', principally consists of minerals that enhance the production of enzymes in all living organisms. Calcium Bentonite mineral deposits have been used by Native American healers for centuries as an internal and external healing agent. The Native Americans would use mineral rich clay on open wounds and for stomach or intestinal distress. The key to these benefits is the natural form in which these minerals are found.

Technically, the clay first adsorbs toxins (heavy metals, free radicals, pesticides), attracting them to its extensive surface area where they adhere like flies to sticky paper; then it absorbs the toxins, taking them in the way a sponge mops up a kitchen counter mess. Clay’s adsorptive and absorptive qualities may be the key to its multifaceted healing abilities. Knishinsky reports that drinking clay helped him eliminate painful ganglion cysts (tumors attached to joints and tendons, in his case, in his wrist) in two months, without surgery.

Sodium Bentonite is commonly known as bentonite; the name is derived from the location of the first commercial deposit mined at Fort Benton, Wyoming USA. Sodium benonite clays are the industrial clays used in things like: plaster, oil well drilling mud, cat litter, matches, cement tiles, lubricating grease, paints, copy paper, dynamite, shoe polish, concrete, cleaning agents, wall boards, crayons, and bleaching agents to mention a few.

Pascalite clay is a calcium bentonite, formed thirty million years ago as the froth and foam of the fiery and convulsive era atop the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming. Over the centuries, it captured the calcium from that limestone formation, and many other minerals (now known to be vital to life) in trace amounts migrated into it -- manganese, cobalt, copper, etc...Technically, Pascalite is a calcium-based bentonite. Pascalite is also believed to remove toxins from the body.

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Geophagy: Eating Clay

Eating clay and dirt, our earth cure "Earth-eating, or geophagy, is a well-documented phenomenon. Clay was used during the Balkan war of 1910 to reduce mortality from cholera among the soldiers from sixty to three percent.

In his book, Knishinsky states some of the benefits reported by people using liquid clay for a period of two to four weeks include: improved intestinal regularity; relief from chronic constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, and ulcers; a surge in physical energy; clearer complexion; brighter, whiter eyes; enhanced alertness; emotional uplift; improved tissue and gum repair and increased resistance to infections.

It has become apparent that the clay content is often the most important ingredient of selected soils. Clay is an effective binding agent as its chemical structure allows other chemicals to bond with it and so lose their reactivity. Clay is therefore an effective deactivator of toxins from diet or pathogens. Clay is the primary ingredient of kaolin and kaopectate that we use when suffering from gastrointestinal malaise.

A very interesting report done by Discover magazine on Geophagy, or eating dirt. "Since most humans consume more plant food than meat, it should come as no surprise that geophagy (from the Greek roots geo for 'earth' and phagein for 'eat') is also widespread in peasant communities on all continents, with descriptions going back to Roman times. In such communities, pregnant and lactating women especially crave soil, typically consuming one-and-a-half ounces or more per day."

Home base business opportunityDextreit writes that clay stimulates the deficient organ and help the restoration of the failing function. Clay is a powerful agent of stimulation, transformation and transmission. Clay contains highly active ingredients, able to induce cellular rebuilding and to hasten all organic processes. He also says that clay acts with wisdom - it goes to the unhealthy spot.

Used internally, whether absorbed orally, anally or vaginally, clay goes to the place where harm is, there it lodges, perhaps for several days, until finally it draws out the pus, black blood, etc. with its evacuation. Calcium montmorillonite and other types of clays attracts and neutralizes poisons in the intestinal tract. It can eliminate food allergies, food poisoning, mucus colitis, spastic colitis, viral infections, stomach flu, and parasites (parasites are unable to reproduce in the presence of clay).

There is virtually no digestive disease that clay will not treat. It enriches and balances blood. It adsorbs radiation (think cell phones, microwaves, x-rays, TVs and irradiated food, for starters). It has been used for alcoholism, arthritis, cataracts, diabetic neuropathy, pain treatment, open wounds, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, animal and poisonous insect bites, acne, anemia, in fact, the list of uses is too long for this article.

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Animals Eat Clay for Minerals and as Medicine

Animals Eat Dirt for Health Pets are helped, too. Recently more information has become available outlining the important role clay can play in the recovery and maintenance of health. Many wild animals, and some people, develop , pica' when ill, a craving to eat earth - particularly clay, which assuages diarrhea and binds to many plant poisons.

Among the most famous clay-eaters are the parrots of the Amazon. Scarlet macaws, blue and gold macaws, and hosts of smaller birds perch together in their hundreds to excavate the best clay layer along a riverbank. Parrots' regular diet is tree seeds, which the trees defend with toxic chemicals, and clay is an essential buffer to the toxins. Edible healing clays have been shown to be able to literally pull pollutants out like a magnet, getting rid of years of toxic accumulation.

Rancher Observes Cattle eating clay

Bill Roundy is a retired rancher. He remembers a generation ago, when he lived in Utah, that he and other cattle ranchers, learned a valuable lesson by watching their cattle. Whenever a cow got sick and went off her food, the ranchers would turn her out to fend for herself, as they could not afford to throw good money after bad. But, they noticed that, time and time again, the cows would return after a few days, fully recovered, and ready to feed with the rest of the herd. It wasn't long before these ranchers discovered how the cows were recovering. The sickly cattle would take themselves across the desert to clay banks, and feed on them until their health returned. When the ranchers saw how easy and cheap was the solution, they transported to their sick cows - a practice still continued today.

Birds eat soil to bind and deactivate plant toxins

Wild birds eat clay for trace minerals and cleanse toxins Many species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and even insects, in all parts of the world, eat dirt. In the animal world, parrots seek out particular clays and deer lick hollows into patches of soil, traveling long distances to reach these tasty spots. Cattle will chew on clods of particular earths; in South Africa, cattle will often be found meditatively licking away at termite nests, hollowing out polished scoops in any weak spots. Termite nests are rich in trace elements, as these "white ants" carry up fragments from as much as a hundred feet down."

"Deep in the rain forests of New Guinea, Jared Diamond was surprised to see parrots, pigeons and crows fly down to a new landslide of earth and eat the bare dirt. The birds flocked to this rare opportunity to access bare earth in an area densely covered with vegetation. Not all of the observed 140 bird species came down to eat earth. Only the eight herbivorous species that regularly ate fruit, seeds and flowers.

Edible Calcium Bentonite clay store

Plants naturally contain numerous toxins that protect them from predators and pathogens. When the landslide soils were analyzed they were found to contain less minerals than the surrounding top soil but again the clay content was high and, what is more, found to be more effective at binding alkaloids and tannins than pure pharmaceutical kaolinite. These birds were taking advantage of newly disturbed earth and selecting soil of just the right properties to bind and deactivate plant toxins." [Diamond,J 1998 Eat Dirt: in the competition between parrots and fruit trees, it's the winners who bite the dust. Discover. 19(2) pp70-76.].

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The Mud That Heals

"The Native Americans call it "Ee-Wah-Kee" meaning "The-Mud-That-Heals" Bentonite, as well as other types of healing clay, has been used by indigenous cultures since before recorded history. "The Amargosians (predecessors to the Aztecs ), the Aborigines, and natives of Mexico and South America all recognized the benefit of clays. " "...healing mud not only draws toxic material out of the body if taken internally, but also reduces pain and infection in open wounds on both humans and animals."

Knishinsky writes that clay is part of his diet and he never skip a day without eating clay. He writes "When clay is consumed, its vital force is released into the physical body and mingles with the vital energy of the body, creating a stronger, more powerful energy in the host. The natural magnetic action transmits a remarkable power to the organism and helps to rebuild vital potential through the liberation of latent energy. When the immune system does not function at its best, the clay stimulates the body's inner resources to awaken the stagnant energy. It supplies the body with the available magnetism to run well. Clay is said to propel the immune system to find a new healthy balance and strengthens the body to a point of higher resistance."

Naturally absorbent and extremely gentle on the system, clay can treat ailments affecting digestion, circulation, menstruation, and the liver, skin, and prostate. Clay also remedies symptoms of arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, gum diseases, and migraines.

Ran Knishinsky says that he eats clay everyday, that it is part of his diet. He never skip a day without eating clay. On page 95 suggests the following : infants: 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon (in a bottle), Small frame: one teaspoon, Medium frame: one heaping teaspoon, Large frame: one tablespoon.

Therapeutic Clay Bath Treatment for Health and Detoxification

Since antiquity people have used clay and mineral baths for detoxing and healing. Over the course of time there have been untold numbers of people that have attributed healing benefits to these therapeutic baths. Today we can experience these healing baths in the convenience of our own home. Soaking in a bath with calcium Bentonite clay is the mineral hydrotherapy solution coveted by those who visit the most celebrated health spas.

A therapeutic clay bath is exceptionally detoxifying and nourishing to the skin plus the cleansing benefits of a clay bath are effective in ways that bath salts cannot be. When you languish in a mineralized colloidal clay bath, your body is immersed in microscopic particles that transport nutrients to your skin and helping to pull unhealthy metals, chemicals and toxins from your body with a powerful ionic transdermal cleanse.

The negatively charged clay particles attract the positively charged toxins and heavy metals very effectively supporting the detoxifying process.A therapeutic clay bath can revitalize personal energy, and restore your tranquility, stamina and spirit. The therapeutic revitalization will stimulate immune system support as an added benefit completing the rejuvenating experience.

Testimonial of Glorious Mud

I started taking clay in June 2005. I read an article in California Wild magazine, the Winter 2005 issue, titled Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud. The magazine is published by The California Academy of Sciences. I was quite impressed with the history of our ancestors, and the history of animals who instinctively crave clay, which 'cleanses' our bodies of some of the junk type foods that we all ingest, including animals that may eat semi-toxic plants. The article stated that clay was the best substance to rebuild the bone loss suffered by our first astronauts. I have Osteoporosis, therefore I started taking your clay. Results of my bone density will not be known until May 2007.

However, to my surprise, I have not had a cold or the flu since I started taking Clay. For the first time in my adult life (I am now 67 years old), I have not had my once or twice yearly cold, sinus infection, or respiratory problems. My wife had several bad colds the winter of 2005 - 2006, and I did not get sick! I have never taken any other "alternative" health product. Clay definitely works for me. I quit taking Clay for several days in the spring of 2006, and I started to develop breathing problems and a sore throat. I went back to the Clay, and I am healthy again!" Paul Juilly, San Francisco, CA.

The use of volcanic ashes and clay internally is almost older than civilization itself. Primitive tribes of various continents have used various types of clay for conditions of toxicity. Dr. Weston A. Price in his book, "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration", stated that in studying diets of certain tribes he examined their knapsacks. Among those examined in the high Andes, among those in Central Africa and among the Aborigines of Australia he reported that some contained balls of clay, a little of which was dissolved in water. Into the clay were dipped morsels of food. The explanation was that this was to prevent "sick stomach".

These people were reported to use the clays for combating dysentery and food infections. In South America he found that the Quetchus Indians, believed to be descendants of the once powerful Incas, were largely vegetarians and he stated, "Immediately before eating, their potatoes are dipped into an aqueous suspension of clay, a procedure which is said to prevent 'souring in the stomach'." Yet, only comparatively recently has the white man apparently begun to use kaolin, one of the clays.

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Clays Exhibit Novel Antibacterial Properties

Beauty treatments that use clay aren't new, but clay-based medicinal treatments are. And if Arizona State University's (ASU) Lynda Williams and Shelley Haydel's research pans out, then clay might one day become an antibacterial standard like penicillin. "We use maggots and leeches in hospitals, so why not clay?" Haydel asks. The ASU duo have just received a substantial grant from the National Institutes of Health that will allow them to examine the mechanisms that allow two clays mined in France to heal Buruli ulcer, a flesh-eating bacterial disease found primarily in central and western Africa. Buruli ulcer (related to leprosy) is caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, which produces a toxin and destroys the fatty tissues under the skin. It was recently declared to be "an emerging public health threat" by the World Health Organization (WHO).

"Ordinary clay can kill the drug-resistant superbug MRSA -- methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and other lethal infections, and is being investigated as a potential tool in treating patients. "Healing" clays have been known for years to soak up toxins produced by bacteria, which can limit the spread of infection. But now, research at Arizona State University shows some forms of clay actually kill salmonella, E. coli, MRSA and ulcerans, which causes flesh-eating disease. If they can figure out how it works, this could make a cheap, low-tech weapon against infection available throughout the Third World." The Calgary Herald 2008

Ancient art of Clay Therapy (Pelotherapy)

Cano Graham is among the foremost activists and authorities in the United States concerning the ancient art of Clay Therapy (Pelotherapy). The very soul of his book is the unimaginable healing spectrum, both internally and externally, of modern clay therapy. This healing phenomenon moves through dozens of inspiring human-interest tales, beginning in 1987 with Mr. Graham's odyssey of building the original Crystal Cross Therapeutic Clay Center in Tecopa Hot Springs, California. In Tecopa, the loveable old-timers exposed him to an "amazin' healing' mud," and his life was forever altered.

Pascalite Clay - a calcium bentonite clay from the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming

Pascalite is a calcium bentonite, formed thirty million years ago as the froth and foam of the fiery and convulsive era atop the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming. Over the centuries, it captured the calcium from that limestone formation, and many other minerals (now known to be vital to life) in trace amounts migrated into it --manganese, cobalt, copper, etc...

Users of Pascalite have reported many dramatic health enhancing results from this enigmatic substance. Pascalite has been found to have many uses in promoting health in plants, animals and humans. One theory regarding the benefits of Pascalite is that its broad base of minerals serves as an excellent mineral supplement. Technically, Pascalite is a calcium-based. bentonite. Pascalite is believed to not only remove toxins from the body but also to build up the immune system. It is thus possible - perhaps even probable - that this combination may reduce the body’s sensitivity to toxins.

Pascalite is hand mined underground to avoiding contamination, and then solar dried in the high mountain to preserve it's apparent antibiotic qualities. It is then turned into powder to make it readily usable for both internal and external purposes. Please do not confuse Pascalite with ordinary clays such as bentonite, Jordan clay or French green clay. Though listed as a calcium bentonite, at least one government agent has hinted it may well be an as-yet-unidentified material outside the scope of present knowledge. Dr Walter Bennett, Ph.D., who investigated it in depth, stated it was still "a very mysterious substance".

One research group gives a possible explanation as to why Pascalite differs form other clays. It lies relatively near the famous, mysterious Big Horn Medicine Wheel, which dates back to antiquity. "We feel medicine wheels were build on vortex areas where earth energies surface intensely, and the Pascalite contains that same intense energy."

Pascalite is used in soap and toothpaste, applied as a poultice to insect bites, sunburns, infections, cold sores, canker sores and acne, and as a suppository for hemorrhoids. Users found it a potent skin cleanser and conditioner, drank it for heartburn and ulcers. One neglected mineral in Pascalite, lately recognized as vital to living tissue, is silica. It is found in Pascalite as silicate and silicones. In the body silica occurs as collagen, a connective tissue covering the brain, spinal cord, and the nerve systems. It is an essential part of hair, skin and nails. Some researchers have hinted that a lack of silica in the brain and nerves may be one cause of poor memory.

It has many other uses, many beauticians state it has no equal as a facial conditioner. They report that it's skin-tightening effect when used on the face is so strong as to be almost painful. We have been told that when PASCALITE pulls the red blood cells to the skin surface, leaving your face temporarily red, it has done it's job.

In addition to its other abilities, pascalite has been shown to be an anesthetic. Many users have reported almost immediate cessation of pain following its application in paste form to the areas.

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Healing Buruli Ulcer with Clay

African boy with buruli african boy with buruli treated with clay boy with buruli wrapped clay bandages

Devastating Buruli Ulcer is caused by mycobacterium ulcerans which is similar to leprosy and tuberculosis. Scientists around the world have tried for over 40 years to find a cure, but failed. Only a very traumatic surgical operation offers some form of relief.

Thierry Brunet de Courssou Missillac: "My mother aged 73 has found an effective treatment using clay, thanks to her courage and perseverance spending a full year in a remote village in Africa taking care of these unfortunates infected people. The spectacular results, even of the worse clinical cases, have been acknowledged by WHO (World Heath Organization) last March. Continuation of my mother's work is planned over the next 2 years. All the details are available on our website especially setup to keep the public informed in real time.

It has always been believed, but never proven that French clay can kill several varieties of bacteria that cause diseases. Today, a researcher at Arizona State University at Tempe is leading a study to show why certain minerals kill certain bacteria.

French clay has been shown to kill Mycobacterium ulcerans, or M. Ulcerans, which is so epidemical in Africa. It also treats Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which is responsible for deadly infections that are difficult to treat. Furthermore, it has been known for thousands of years that people have used clay for healing wounds, helping indigestion, and killing intestinal worms. Scientists are starting to look further into ancient remedies to see what exactly they do and how they work because their encounters with germs that are resistant to drugs are a serious problem.

Lynda Williams, associate research professor at Arizona State University at Tempe in the School of Earth and Space Exploration is leading three teams of researchers in studying healing clays. The other two teams are from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and The State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY-Buffalo).

Laboratory tests conducted at Arizona State University's Biodesign Institute have already shown that French clay, one type of clay, kills bacteria responsible for Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (PRSA), and E. coli. It also kills Mycobacterium ulcerans, which is a germ related to leprosy and tuberculosis. The germ causes Buruli ulcer. The bacteria produce a toxin that destroys the immune system, skin, tissues, and bones.

Line Brunet de Courssou, a French humanitarian working in the Ivory Coast, Africa, first reported the effects French clay has on Buruli ulcer in 2002. de Courssou had been familiar with the effects of French clay since childhood and found that she could cure Buruli by applying it to the infected person every day. The only other method science has of treating Buruli ulcer is by surgically removing the infected area or amputating the infected limb.

The findings on the medical benefits of French clay will be reported at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado on October 29, 2007. They will also present the work of a German physician named Julius Stumpf who, one hundred years ago, used white clay from Germany to treat a form of cholera from Asia that is deadly. He also used it to treat diptheria, gangrene, eczema, and ulcers on shin bone, or tibia.

Dr. Janet Starr Hull - "French Green Clay is virtually unknown in America as an internal detoxification supplement, yet Europeans have used it internally for thousands of years to remove the causes of disease symptoms. In 1986 after the meltdown of the Soviet nuclear power plant, Chernobyl, the Soviet Union put French Green Clay in chocolate bars and dispensed them freely to the masses to remove radiation they may have been exposed to. Found only in France and India, the ancient sea beds that provide the green clays have healing qualities that not only attach themselves to and remove toxic foreign substances within the body, but activate the body's own immune system through its chemical constitution. Green clays contain magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese, phosphorous, zinc aluminum, silicon, copper, selenium, cobalt, micro-algaes, algae, and phyto-nutrients. French green clay has the ability to remove toxic metals and chemical residues, bacteria, and blood toxins with virtually no side effects of constipation, diarrhea, or stomach cramping. It is known to remove radiation, arsenic, lead, mercury, and aluminum amid other toxic metals in less than six weeks. The more you use, the quicker you detox."

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Adsorption versus Absorption

The two words look alike, but their difference is critical in understanding the functions of clay minerals.

Adsorption characterizes the process by which substances stick to the outside surface of the adsorbent medium. The clay possesses unsatisfied ionic bonds around the edges of its mineral particles. It naturally seeks to satisfy those bonds. For this to happen, it must meet with a substance carrying an opposite electrical (ionic) charge. When this occurs, the ions held around the outside structural units of the adsorbent medium and the substance are exchanged.

The particles of clay are said to carry a negative electrical charge, whereas impurities, bacteria, or toxins, carry a positive electrical charge. For this very reason clay has been used to adsorb the colloidal impurities in beer, wine, and cider. The impurities in wine carry positive charges and can be agglomerated (brought together) and removed by stirring a small amount of negatively charged clay material into the wine. The clay particles attract the wine impurities and they settle out together (flocculate).

The process works the same in the human body. When clay is taken internally, the positively charged toxins are attracted by the negatively charged surfaces of the clay mineral. An exchange reaction occurs whereby the clay swaps its ions for those of the other substance. Now, electrically satisfied, it holds the toxin in suspension till the body can eliminate both.

The term active, or alive, indicated the ionic exchange capacities of a given clay mineral. The degree to which the clay-mineral ions become active determine its classification as alive. Living bodies are able to grow and change their form and size by taking within them lifeless material of certain kinds, and by transforming it into a part of themselves. No dead body can adsorb. It is physically impossible.

Absorption is a much more slow and involved process than adsorption. Here, the clay acts more like a sponge, drawing substances into its internal structure. In order for absorption to occur, the substance must undergo a chemical change to penetrate the medium's barrier. Once it has done that, it enters between the unit layers of the structure. Instead of the toxins, for instance, sticking only to the surface, they are actually pulled inside the clay. This is the reason why absorptive clays are labeled expandable clays. The more substances the clay absorbs into its internal structure, the more it expands and its layers swell.

Any clay mineral with an inner layer charge is an absorbent. Having an inner layer charge means having charged ions, sitting between layers, that are surrounded by water molecules. In this way, the clay will expand as the substance to be absorbed fills the spaces between the stacked silicate layers. Some clays are more gentle in their absorption, whereas others are definitely more radical. Absorption takes place with clay when the clay draws particulates into its internals layered structure, much like a sponge. Clay minerals have an inner layer charge that acts like an absorbent and can absorb and bond with many elements that are toxic, both man-made and natural.

Edible Calcium Bentonite clay store Page Divider

Small Platelets of Clay Particles

The smaller the particle size of clay, the more platelets there are per given cubic centimeter of volume or unit of weight and the larger the total surface area is. Their absorbent and adsorbent capacity increases with the numbers of clay platelets per given unit of measure. The natural parent size of clay particles as created by nature is fixed. The industrial process of crushing, grinding, milling, etc, will not change the parent particle size once created. They do clump or bond together many times making them larger in size, however processing it mechanically can make them no smaller than nature originally created.

On a molecular level, Robert T. Marin, a mineralogist at MIT, points to Bentonite’s minute particle size that creates a large surface area in proportion to the volume used. “The greater the surface area, the greater its power to pick up positively charged particles of ions.” Mr. Marin stated that one gram of clay has a surface area of 800 square meters. That equates to about 8 football fields in size. Thus the greater the surface area, the greater the power to pick up positive charged ions many times its own weight (free radicals are positively charged for example).

Clays are like people, there are no two alike. Each clay deposit on earth has its own fingerprint. This unique identity is comprised of its particular composition of the elements on the periodic table, different ratios to one another, different ionic electrical charge, different particle size, different purity, different exposure for a different amount of time, to mention a few of the differences. As a result of some of these differences, they react accordingly different when applied or utilized. Some clays “work”, while others do not or at least, not very well for the intended purpose, depending on what that purpose is. Examples of such purposes that the beneficial effects clay provides are: industrial manufacturing, cosmetic and paint base, paper coating, cleansing, detoxifying, polymer resin nanotechnology, agriculture, aquaculture, nutritional supplement for people and animals, ponds and waterways flocculation cleanup, and much more. As a result of the many various uses of this simple but yet very complex compound, the net effective difference between clays has a direct relationship to cost.

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Volcanic Clay May Have Served As Womb For Emergent Life

Scientists have discovered that certain clay minerals near hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean can act as incubators for organic molecules. Geochemist Lynda Williams, from Arizona State University, believes her study, published in Geology, shows how some of the fundamental materials necessary for life might have originally come into existence. Williams' findings are based on research that mimicked the conditions found in and around hydrothermal vents.

Studies show that the use of volcanic ash clay internally goes back to the Indians of the high Andes mountains, tribes in Central Africa and the aborigines of Australia. Taken internally, it supports the intestinal system in the elimination of toxins. The application of clay has achieved miraculous healing of Buruli Ulcer - mycobacterium ulcerans which is similar to leprosy and tuberculosis mycobacterium or flesh eating disease.

Clay May Have Been Catalyst For Life

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) researchers have discovered that clays may have been the catalysts that spurred the spontaneous assembly of fatty acids into the small sacs that ultimately evolved into the first living cells. Fine-grained crystals of clay might, all by themselves, have been the very first life forms on Earth. According to this hypothesis, self-replicating clay crystals evolved the ability to manufacture complex biomolecules such as RNA, which eventually out-competed their clay cousins to become the dominant form of life on the planet.

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Incredible True Stories Of People That Use Clay

A patient taking 2 no. 00 capsules of powder by mouth four times a day removed all symptoms of an active ulcer and hyper-acidity in 7 days.

A wet pack applied to corns and callouses on and between the toes was left on 3 days, then changed and left on 3 more days. All symptoms were relieved, and the corns had disappeared.

Used as a water-and-Pascalite pack on the face and arms of an explosion-burn victim, it relieved the pain almost immediately and these areas did not blister. The hands, given conventional treatment, did blister.

Contact Shirley Three individuals stated under oath that topical use of Pascalite paste had removed all symptoms of hemorrhoid in 2 to 4 nightly applications. Many other have reported similar results in uts use for piles, rectal fissures and related conditions.

Kit Nelson of Scottsdale, Arizona explains how Pascalite cured her 22-year old daughter of a serious case of chicken pox: "she was very ill and covered from head to toe with pox which nearly drove her crazy because of the itching and irritation. In desperation she mixed Pascalite with water to a thin consistency and applied it to her body. In a matter of hours ( ! ) the healing set in and she had complete rest and relief. Her recovery was fast and her skin remained lovely - the pox left no scars, which was a miracle."

A Vietnam veteran, returning home a hopeless addict and alcoholic, so desperate that he contemplated suicide, and was willing to try anything, was persuaded to take some Pascalite internally. He noticed from the first day that he began drinking Pascalite and water, his compulsion to drink slowly left him. Shortly his life did a complete turn-around. He not only lost his alcohol dependency, but also his addiction to dope. He then met another Vietnam vet suffering the same double addiction. He got the fellow to use Pascalite as well, and the results were the same!

Horse helped by clay

Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006
Name: Lynn Lawrence
Location: Surrey, British Colombia

I Thank-you for all of the great information you provide on your site, especially the information on clay. I had always wondered why my mare was digging holes and eating mouthfuls of dirt. I new there was a mineral deficiency in her diet, but what she was also telling me was she was trying to detox. The clay has supplied the answer to both. My mare gets the best quality hay, whole foods as well as flax, blue green algae etc. But her diet, as with mine falls short because of our top soil.(To bad the price doesn't fall short as well).I have also noticed a sense of well being, that is starting to return. The day I received my clay one of the mares in the barn had her leg blow up for no apparent reason the Vet. could offer nothing. This mares back leg was four times the normal size, I have never seen this before, and I had a bad feeling in my stomach. I got some clay in a bucket, mixed with water and poulticed her leg from top to bottom, the instant the clay touched her leg she dropped her head and started licking her lips, by morning the inflammation had been reduced to half. I started the clay in her food, and she started to "pick up". I know in my heart that the clay saved her life. I am so grateful that the day I was faced with this I had something to offer!!! Warmest regards

Eaton's Amazing Healing Experience with Clay

Jason R. Eaton, developed a severe skin condition in 1988 which no dermatologist could cure. "After a host of antibiotic and acid treatments, I left the comforts of the realm of modern medicine in search of an alternate solution. The period 1989 - 1993 marked a time of extensive research into metaphysics, which eventually led to my own personal discovery of Bentonite late in 1993, where I literally stumbled into a natural deposit in the middle of the night! On that same autumn evening I tried an application of this natural clay while soaking in a well hidden natural hot spring pool deep in the far and silent reaches of the Mojave Desert. Within five minutes I experienced the first pain-free moment in four years."

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Question about Aluminum Hydroxide in edible clays and soils

Elements on the periodic table, including aluminum hydroxide, lead, copper, chromium, mercury, strontium, etc., in the natural form, are totally different than these same elements after they are transformed by industrial processes for manufacturing and commerce. The molecular rearrangement of these elements in the refining process isolates aluminum molecules for example, to make airplane parts or frying pans for commerce. This refining procedure changes the original natural elemental molecular structure by industrial processing through rearranging the natural elemental form to an isolated man made form. As a result of this process, many times this alteration of elements transform them into elements that are sometimes harmful or toxic to life forms.

Certain edible clays and soils in the natural and unaltered form are inert and safe for life, like food and water (H2O). Water is a natural compound and if one were to separate the hydrogen molecule from water by the refining process, it could be used to fuel cars of the future or make bombs and therefore is not only harmful and toxic but lethal. If one were to take a spoonful of earth from their own back yard and have it chemically analyzed, they would find many of these same elements. When chemically rearranging these elements by the refinement process, they also become harmful or highly toxic.

The elements on the periodic table may be altered by many industrial processes through molecular isolation (separation) and further combined with other elements and chemical procedures to make products. An example in metals, alloys area among the most common combination for things like tool steel in knifes and machines. Many factory or man made drugs also fall into this group. Many times both are harmful or even toxic to plant, animals, humans as well as the environment itself.

Molecular rearrangement, isolation, and combining other refined elements making industrial/factory compounds are totally different than elements found in nature. Throughout the world, soils that contain different minerals and clays are what plants utilize for growth and life itself. The nutrients in these soils transfer into plants by a process called plant root nutrient uptake. As a result, what elements found in plants come from the soil and the soil contains clay.

If the plants that animals and humans eat to live are harmful or toxic, then plant, animal and human life would not be on earth as we know it. Certain edible clays, calcium montmorillonite clay) when ingested are like food and water, is not only safe but provide many natural health benefits, including a high nutrient source, detoxification, PH and blood balance, colon cleansing, assist in total body healing, to mention a few.