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Questioning the AIDS Virus, HIV, and AZT Drug
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Homeopathic Medicine for Yourself, your Family and your Pets
Immune System Support Education, The Holistic Approach
Pet Stories
Incrementa la actividad de las celulas inmunitaria
Healing Testimonials of People and Animals
Urine Therapy
Dangers of Routine Vaccinations
AIDS HIV Pregnant Women and Children, Cruel Deception
Healing AIDS and HIV Naturally with a Drug-free Approach
AIDS/HIV in Africa: lies, deceptions and genocide
Detoxification for Optimum Health
Fasting as a Therapeutic Healing Process
Edible Clay Therapy, Healing Mud, and Clay Cure for People and Animals
Urban Agriculture - Shirley's edible Rooftop Container Garden
Therapeutic Benefits of Montmorillonite Clay
Rooftop Garden News and Awards for Shirley
Experiencing Sole with Himalayan Crystal Salt!
Salt Deficiency, The Cause of Many Diseases
Shirley's Garden in the Sky
Water Quality is Essential to Hydration, and Vitality
Holy, and Blessed Thistle Herbal Teas
Healing with Flowers, Herbs and Things
Moringa Oleifera the Miracle Plant
Veterinary Homeopathy Remedies
Veterinary Homeopathy Resources
Homeopathic Safe Medicine for Children and Infants
Homeopathic Medicine, and Remedies
Nosodes: Alternative Advantages to the Dangers of Conventional Vaccinations
Superbugs Resistance to Drugs Alarming Public Health Threat
Antibiotic Misuse, Reactions, and Antimicrobial Resistance
Holistic Cancer Healing and Prevention without Chemotherapy, or Radiation
The Immune System: The body's defense department
Understanding Acute, and Chronic Pain, Inflammation
Domestic Animals Ideal Ancestral Diets
A Cat, a Bat and Rabies Vaccination Story
The Pet Hospital Experience
Sick and Dying Rescued Dog Healed
Factores de transferencias y su sistema inmunologico
Optimice su salud y Aumentar el Glutatión con Immunocal
Oportunidad de Negocios en la Industra de Salud y Bienestar
Dogs and Cats Full Recovery from Degenerative Diseases
Animal Recovery from Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
Testimonials of Animals Cured At Home
Recovery of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Natural Self Healing Successes and Cleansing Testimonials
Recovery of Blind, Crippled Puppy with Seizures
How Elderly Patients Are Treated by the Medical Establishment
Alternative Medicine Practices, Healing At Home
Testimonials: UT Healing of Humans, Animals
Urine Therapy is Nature's own Perfect Medicine
Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccinosis Encephalitis?
Vaccine, Immunization, and the Adverse Effects to Our Health
Natural Healing for Animals, Pets, Dogs, and Cats
Testimonials of Animals Healing At Home
Vaccinosis: Health Hazards of Scheduled Animal and Pet Vaccines
Holistic Veterinary Care: Revolutionizing Pet Health Naturally
Chronic Kidney disease in Cats and Dogs
7 mistakes in treating pets with Chronic Renal failure
Cancer in Animals Associated with Toxcity, and Diet
The Healthy Path for Every Animal, Dr. Chambreau DVM
How I Saved My Dog's Life Without Drugs
Animal Trauma and Injuries: How I Use Home Remedies to Heal my Pets
Your Pet's Nutritional Needs
Toxic Medicines, Powders, Sprays Harm Pets
Integrating Homeopathy into Your Veterinary Practice
List of Holistic Veterinarians
Restoring an Animal's Immune System
What's Behind Our Pet's Chronic Allergy Epidemic?
Home Remedies for Sick Birds and Optimum Avian Nutrition
Holistic Cat Care and Natural Remedies
Horse Health Natural Care
Ferret Natural Health
Rearing Healthy Pups and Kittens
Herbal Remedies for Stressed Pets
Library: Holistic animal health
Animals Messengers of Love and Wisdom
Juliette of the Herbs, Champion of Health
ZooPharma - Animal Self-Medication and Healing
Training Shasta for Personal Protection
Dr. Patricia Jordan's Articles on Danger of Vaccines
Pets Afflicted with Joint and Hip Problems Find Relief with Nuvet Treatment
Dangerous Toxic Contaminated Dog and Cat Food
Grain-Free Healthy Dry Kibble Dog and Cat Food
What's Best for Pets: Kibble, Raw or Home-cooked Food?
Raw Food Diet Recipes for Our Pets
Prevent Pet Obesity with These Easy Steps
Holistic Pediatrics: Identifying Root Causes of Illness in Children
Autism Hope: What's Behind the Autism Epidemic?
Vaccine, Immunization, and the Adverse Effects to Our Health
Circumcision Exposed! The Hidden Trauma
Pharmaceutical Drugs often Forced on Children
Natural Caring for your Infant and Baby Needs
Holistic Nutrition for Children and Babies
Natural Alternatives to Ritalin (Methylphenidate), for Kids with ADHD
Parenting Children With Special Needs
My Baby Was Born Blind and Brain-injured
Basic Healing Principles: Suppression versus Healing
Prostate Cancer and Men's Health
The Acid Alkaline Balance Impact on Human and Animal Health
Alzheimer Risk Factors and Breakthrough Research
Dental Amalgam Fillings Poses Health Risk
Arthritis and Degenerative Joint Disease Natural Remedies
Root Cause of Asthma Trigger Ailments of the Respiratory System
Wellness Resorts and Clinical Retreat Centers
Cholesterol Myth, Danger of Low Blood Cholesterol
Ear infection: Alternative to Antibiotics or Ear Tubes
My Triumph Over Eczema
Natural Approach to Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Garlic and the Medicinal Healing Properties of Allicin
Glutathione: The Mother of all Antioxidants
Restoring Crucial Magnesium Levels
Why We Need Microbiomes. Our Changing Relationship to Microbes
Worms and Parasites: Holistic Prevention and Treatment
Reduce Chronic Stress, Depression, Anxiety with these Simple Steps
Guide to Healthy Eyes and Vision
Natural Choices for Weight and Fat Management
Mind Body Spirit Connection: Miraculous Healing
Wellness Resorts and Clinical Retreat Centers
Radiant Skin is a Reflection of Personal Lifestyle Practices
Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D
Shingles, or Herpes Zoster Viral Infection
Healing Psoriasis Holistically
Reversing Steroids Devastating Side Effects
Glyconutrient's Role in People and Animals' Health
Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum) Medicinal Use and Health Benefits
Marine Phytoplankton's Powerful Micronutrients
Blue Green Algae is a Superb Natural Source of Nutrients
Bovine Growth Hormone Potential Hazards in Milk
Diabetes: Restoring the Body's Blood-Sugar Control Mechanism
Flaxseed is a Rich Source of Lignans and, Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids
Fulvic Acid, and Humic Minerals Powerful Role
Superfood nutrition for Vitality and Well-Being
Raw Food Diet with Vital Enzymes
Healing Power of Bee Pollen, and Honey
Chia Seeds for Radiant Health, Endurance, and Boundless Energy
Coconut Oil Nutritional Benefits
Green Juice Nutrition with Enzymes, and Phytotherapy
Ocean Superfoods Seaweed, Kelp and Sea Vegetables for Optimum Health
Consumer Alert! Raising Public Awareness of Modern Day Hazards
Serious Risk of Fluoride Harm in Everyday Exposure
Big Pharma, AMA, FDA Endangering Your Health
Vaccine, Immunization, and the Adverse Effects to Our Health
Cholesterol Myth, Danger of Low Blood Cholesterol
Engineered Fats and Oils: The Degenerative Disease Epidemic
Hidden Dangers of Soy in your Diet
Beware of Canola Oil and its Marketing Deception
Genetically Modified Foods Controversy
Gulfwar Syndrome, Symptoms and Disorders
Artificial Sweeteners Sickness - Aspartame Disease
Radiation, Chemotherapy Side Effects Protection
Detrimental Effects of Sugar Consumed Processed, and Refined
Toxins in Cosmetics may Adversely Affect Your Health
West Nile Virus: What The Media Won't Tell You
ABOUT SHIRLEY - her health recovery after a lifetime of suffering
Breast Implant Toxicity Sickness - How to Recover
Breast Cancer Awareness, Prevention, and Recovery
Conquering Candida Yeast Infection with Drugless Natural Home Treatment
Holistic Solutions to Prevent or Reverse Infertility and Miscarriage
Menopause and Perimenopause Symptoms Holistic Approach
Strong Bones: Preventing, Reversing Osteoporosis Naturally
Holistic Health Care for Women’s Vitality and Wellbeing
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Shirley's Wellness Cafe website is not intended to diagnose any physical or mental condition, or to prescribe or promote any particular product(s).It is not intended as a substitute for the advice and treatment of a licensed professional. In the event that you use the information for your own health, or for your animals, you are prescribing for yourself or your animals, which is your constitutional right and for which the author of this site assumes no responsibility.
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Shirley's-Wellness-Cafe.com is a free educational web site created from a labor of love and as a public service.
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An OverView on Vaccines
Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccinosis Encephalitis?
Vaccination - Deception and Tragedy