Testimonials of Alternative Medicine Practices
by Dudley Delany
I am a 60 year old retired chiropractor, massage therapist, and registered
nurse. I developed multiple sclerosis during the summer of 1991. Some of my symptoms
included numbness, blurred vision, difficulty swallowing, tremors, muscle spasms,
depression, fatigue, failing memory, slurred speech, and bladder dysfunction.
In the fall of 1991, I began using a painless, inexpensive treatment suggested
by the late Edgar Cayce, a mild-mannered photographer who lived between 1877 and 1945, and who is today
widely regarded as the Father of Holistic Medicine.
At the age of twenty-one, Cayce developed the astonishing ability to enter into a self-induced hypnotic
trance in which he could successfully diagnose and prescribe effective treatments
(often drawing from diverse health disciplines) for all manner of human ills--including
MS.Over 14,000 of his trance discourses (which came to be known as "readings")
were transcribed verbatim and are currently available for inspection and study
at the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach.
Cayce viewed the usual cause of MS as a deficiency of GOLD in the body
brought on by a failure of the digestive system to properly assimilate that
mineral. To correct the gold deficiency, while avoiding the adverse effects
often associated with administering that element, Cayce recommended a very mild,
usually imperceptible mode of electrotherapy (vibratory medicine) which stimulates the body's uptake of gold from
dietary sources.
To facilitate the recovery process, massage therapy and
close attention to diet were also frequently recommended. Using the Cayce recommendations
over a period of about two years resulted in the gradual disappearance of ALL
my symptoms. An MRI of my brain in November of 1999 revealed NO TRACE of MS.
I do not claim to be "cured," however, but rather in a state of long-term remission,
for I notice that if I discontinue the Cayce regimen, undergo extremes of physical
or emotional stress, eat or drink the wrong thing, or develop certain viral
infections, my MS symptoms tend to briefly recur until the situation is resolved.

After Forty Years of Periodontal Disease...
Periodontal diseases range from simple gum inflammation
to serious disease that results in major damage to the soft
tissue and bone that support the teeth. In the worst cases,
teeth are lost. When gingivitis is not treated, it can
advance to “periodontitis” (which means “inflammation around
the tooth”).In periodontitis, gums pull away from the teeth
and form spaces (called “pockets”) that become infected. The
body’s immune system fights the bacteria as the plaque spreads
and grows below the gum line. Bacterial toxins and the body’s
natural response to infection start to break down the bone and
connective tissue that hold teeth in place. If not treated, the
bones, gums, and tissue that support the teeth are destroyed.
The teeth may eventually become loose and have to be removed.
'I was diagnosed with acute periodontal disease about 35 years ago, and I was
told by UCSF (University of California San Francisco) that the severity of my condition
was found in only 2% of the worldwide population.
I lost track of how many periodontists I have gone to over the years, but enough
that when someone begins working in my mouth, I know immediately if I have
confidence in them or not. I have also lost track of how many surgeries
I've had in attempting to deal with this condition.
Now, I work part-time jobs as a nanny for dogs and horses to support our
nonprofit horse sanctuary, Cimmaron Sanctuary. Last month, I was
overbooked with a nearly impossible schedule of 15+ hours almost every
day. I was already tired and worn out, when a huge tooth abscess
blew up on the left side of my mouth. Despite a high tolerance
to pain in my mouth and head, this was a duzzie, and I could not bite
down at all on that side - it was almost numb. I live on
a very tight budget but I knew I would not be able to function and
meet all these obligations without extraordinary help.
Then I learned that I had an immune deficiency or weak immune system
which means that my body was unprotected and susceptible to infections. I did some research
and found a unique natural immune support supplement that has the reputation to boost the
immune system over 430%. I ordered 4 bottles and had it shipped overnight. For the
first two days I took 8 capsules/day, and I experienced relief, but not enough to be comfortable
and face the whole month. Then I read an Australian storyabout
tooth abscess - he said he took 12 capsules of a day, and his
abscess went away. So I increased my dose to 12/day, and immediately the
pain subsided, I felt normal, and I moved through the month completing all
my obligations with ease. Not only that, I forgot about the abscess
and felt vibrant and healthy the whole month.
Despite my tight budget, I have decided to put me and my health first from now on.
I made a commitment to myself to order immune booster every
month, which will support me in maintaining vibrant health and well being.
I wish I had known about this product 35+ years ago!! "
Gwen Justis lives in Petaluma, CA. For more information you may contact Gwen at 650.245.2047
Minding My Mitochondria
Dr. Terry Wahls links micronutrient starvation to the epidemics of chronic
disease that are overtaking modern society. In her book "Minding My Mitochondria"chondria"
she explains the key roles mitochondria play in maintaining
a healthy brain and body. Americans are eating so poorly, something we all know
to be true, that the majority of Americans are missing key building blocks that
are needed for brain cells to be healthy. The result is an epidemic of depression,
aggression, multiple sclerosis and early dementia.
Her body ravaged by secondary
progressive multiple sclerosis, Dr. Terry Wahls spent nearly four years dependent
upon a tilt-recline wheelchair. Now, thanks to the intensive, directed nutrition
and neuromuscular electrical stimulation protocols she developed, Dr. Wahls
now rides her bicycle to work. She has brought together an interdisciplinary
team to conduct clinical trials using intensive, directed nutrition and neuromuscular
electrical stimulation to combat advanced Parkinson's disease and secondary
and primary progressive multiple sclerosis. She is a clinical professor of medicine
at the University of Iowa where she sees teaches residents and medical students
in primary care and rounds in traumatic brain injury clinics. She is also committed
to helping the public learn about the connection between the foods we eat and
the health we have or do not have and lectures nationally and regionally on
the use of intensive, directed nutrition to restore health.
Hepatitis B Vaccine May Be Linked to Multiple Sclerosis
Findings of Threefold Increased Risk Contradict Most Previous Research. The
hepatitis B vaccine series has been administered to more than 20 million people
in the U.S. and more than 500 million people in the world. It is more than 95%
effective in preventing an infection that kills millions annually. However anecdotal
evidence has linked the vaccine to an increased risk for multiple sclerosis.
Glutathione Brings New Hope for Multiple Sclerosis
Glutathione is a vital brain chemical that is
one of the most important brain antioxidants. That is, glutathione helps to
preserve brain tissue by preventing damage by free radicals. According to William
E. Code, MD and Multiple Sclerosis survivor, glutathione levels in the body
are an indicator of health and how long a person will live. By the time you
have a serious chronic disease such as a neurodegenerative disorder, chronic
fatigue syndrome or even cancer, your glutathione levels are seriously depleted.
Glutathione has been found to be substantially reduced in almost all patients
with neurological disorders.
According to Dr. Code, by the time you've been
officially diagnosed with a neurological disorder, the body’s cellular glutathione
is only 5% of what it should be. Supplementing glutathione either intravenously,
with liposomal glutathione or with glutathione precursors such as non-denatured
whey protein powder can have remarkable effects. In his book
"Who’s in Control of Your Multiple Sclerosis? Pieces of the MS Recovery Puzzle"
, Dr. Code stresses that optimizing
glutathione levels is a very significant piece of the puzzle for the
person with multiple sclerosis. In his words, “I feel that raising my glutathione
levels is one of the biggest pieces – 30% - of my own MS recovery puzzle. It
could have a similar benefit in your MS journey."
" I had developed an extremely weak bladder causing me to be incontinent
(wetting accidents) so often that I needed to wear bladder protection. This
was a very disruptive symptom that had developed because of MS. Only
6 days after starting Immunocal (to boost my glutathione level) I did not have that problem any longer. I still
wore the bladder protection for about 2 weeks or so due to fear that it would
return but everytime I was forced to have to "hold it" I had not one drop of
an accident. I no longer need to wear that protection. 6 months later I steadily
have more improvements. The exhaustion I was experiencing has diminished to not noticeable. My
vision and stability has also dramatically improved."
Micronutrients are needed to produce neurotransmitters
Phytoplankton micronutrientshas been
shown to help improve and reduce the risks of getting these diseases by reducing
inflammation, oxidation, detoxifying, increasing energy at the cell level, reducing
hyperinsulinemia, and healing the brain-gut connection, most people may expect
improvement in these serious conditions. No one may promise a cure, since these
diseases are extremely serious, but improving everything about our body's ability
to produce energy and communicate at the cellular level may still be attempted.
95% of neurotransmitters are found in the intestines.
Consequently, the health of the intestines is extremely important to improve brain function. The liver
is also closely related to brain function, so, a good intestinal/ liver cleanse
is bound to reduce problems associated with brain function. It is well known
that intestinal/liver dysfunction compromises brain function through build-up
of toxins that may escape the GI tract via "leaky gut." Some people argue this
is impossible, since the so-called "Blood-Brain-Barrier" (BBB) does not allow
toxins to enter the brain.
The BBB is that collection of blood vessels surrounding the brain that has
been thought to be impenetrable by toxins. But, we are finding out that it can
become porous, thus allowing toxins to reach the brain, even by eating processed
fats and drinking chlorinated water. In other words, the brain, like any tissue,
can become "leaky." Constipation is a sign that the intestines are burdened
with the problems outlined above. It turns out that
Parkinson's Disease is three times more likely in constipated patients (J.
Neurology 2001;57:456.), especially those exposed to pesticides.
Severe Depression Recovery
“During the first six months of 2005, I was under a spell of depression to
the point of suicide. I was chronically fatigued, sleeping 12 to 16 hours a
day, drinking heavily, eating unhealthy foods, and smoking tobacco. After months
of this self destructive cycle, I awoke one morning and decided that I was either
going to severely hurt myself or make a decision to live. I chose the latter."
Ulcerative Colitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Bloating and Pain After Eating Seemed Normal! There were other times when
I was bloated for days on end. As I remember, I got to the stage
where it seemed normal; I expected bloating and pain after eating! It happened
so often that I just put up with it like an ache or pain that won't go away.
And then the fatigue. Most of the time I felt energy-less; always having to
force myself to do things. Sometimes were worse than others; especially in the
mornings. Sometimes I dreaded getting up in the morning. There were quite
a few other symptoms as well:
- Severe bloating - every time I ate food my stomach would double in size.
- Severe stomach cramps/abdominal pain - constant aches and pains after eating
- Constipation
- Lower back pain
- Diarrhea - this alternated with constipation
- Groin pain - a constant ache around my groin area
- Shooting pains in my legs - sometimes severe, and sometimes in the lower back
- Chronic fatigue
Panic attacks and heart palpitations - the most scariest of all symptoms
- Light headiness after eating - a strange feeling after eating?
- Heartburn and acid stomach
Fish oils give hope to patients with Crohn's disease
Crohn's disease is characterized by periods of active disease interspersed with
periods of remission. Now researchers at the University of Bologna report that
fish oils prevent relapses. Their experiment involved 78 patients with Crohn's
disease who had been classified as having a high risk of relapse.
Half the patients were randomized to receive nine
fish oil capsules daily, the other half received nine placebo capsules daily.
The fish oil capsules contained 500 mg of a marine lipid concentrate each (40
per cent eicosapentaenoic acid and 20 per cent docosahexaenoic acid) and provided
a total of 2.7 grams of n-3 fatty acids per day. The results of the fish oil
therapy were spectacular. While 69 per cent of the patients in the control group
had a relapse during the one-year study period, only 28 per cent in the therapy
group did. At the end of the one-year period 59 per cent of the patients in
the fish oil group were still in remission as compared to only 26 per cent in
the placebo group.
The researchers conclude that fish oil therapy (with enteric-coated
capsules) is effective in preventing relapses in patients with Crohn's disease
in remission. (NOTE: This study was supported in part by Tillotts Pharma of
Switzerland, the manufacturer of the enteric-coated fish oil capsules). Belluzzi,
Andrea, et al. Effect of an enteric-coated fish-oil preparation on relapses
in Crohn's disease. The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 334, No. 24, June
13, 1996, pp. 1557-60
Charles Smith D.O. OBGYN – Surgeon - "During the past
five years I have seen positive results with a probiotic – prebiotic complex
for the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBDs) of Ulcerative colitis
and Crohn's. Other positive results were observed during the treatment of Diverticulosis
and Diverticulitis. Relief from various food allergies and Acid Reflux are continually
realized, while eliminating both constipation
and diarrhea associated with generalized
gastric upset. We also observe a natural mechanism to effectively address
vaginal yeast infections.
The product we have seen these results with is called
The initial positive results were so remarkable that I encouraged the company to allow for a
double-blinded, placebo controlled clinical trial to support our
initial findings. Subsequently, I was one of three physician ‘co-investigators’
to a recently published clinical study for Prescript-Assist’s effectiveness
to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)."
Fish oils benefit patients with ulcerative colitise colitis
Researchers at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine report that
fish oil supplementation is highly effective in alleviating ulcerative
colitis. Their small pilot study involved 10 patients with mild to moderate
ulcerative colitis who had not been helped by conventional medical therapy.
The patients were given 15 capsules of fish oil daily containing a total of
2.7 grams of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 1.8 grams of docosahexaenoic acid
(DHA). The capsules were taken in 3 divided doses for an 8-week period. All
patients underwent rigid sigmoidoscopy at entry to the study, at 4 weeks, and
at the completion of the study. They also kept a daily log of the number of
bowel movements, stool consistency, and any side effects.
At the end of the 8 weeks 7 out of the 10 patients showed marked to moderate improvement and 4
out of 5 patients on prednisone were able to reduce their daily dose by 20 to
66%. The researchers speculate that the EPA in the fish oil interferes
with the synthesis of the highly inflammatory leukotriene B4 in the lining of
the colon and that this effect accounts for the improvement. They recommend
a large, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial to confirm the beneficial
effects of fish oil supplementation in ulcerative colitis patients. Salomon,
Peter, et al. Treatment of ulcerative colitis with fish oil n-3-omega fatty
acid: an open trial. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1990, pp. 157-61
Healing Crohn’s Disease with Glyconutrients
I am 56 years old and was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease 23 years
ago. It slowly took over my life. It’s an extremely painful disease that led
to other diseases including Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein-Barr,
Degenerative Spinal Disease, and many more diseases involving my muscles, bones,
and joints. By August of 2003, the Crohn’s Disease had entered its last stages
completely covering my digestive system from my esophagus to the end of my large
intestine with inflammation, infection, and ulcers. I was on 12 different medications
and my body was unable to absorb any nutrients from food. I spent most of my
time in bed, the doctor’s office, or the hospital. I began taking
glyconutrients every day
since October. My doctor re-examined my esophagus all the way through large
intestine. To his surprise, there was not one fragment of evidence of any disease
there, not even a scar from all the ulcers. He told me my entire digestive tract
‘glistened.’ Many of the other diseases are healing as well. Food is no longer
an enemy, and I threw away my cane and my medicine." Debbie, Texas
Dr. Dennis Read - "As a member of the medical community, I was quite
familiar with the causes, symptoms, and treatments available for Crohn's. I
became much more knowledgeable in this regard as I became a victim of this so-called
incurable disorder. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind as to the effectiveness and medical principals behind
The VelociTea Detox Healing Tea. I have experienced personally the pain and
discomfort that results from Crohn's and I have also done exhaustive research
into the possible treatments and cures. VelociTea is the only viable solution
I am aware of for treating and clearing up this dreaded disease. There is absolutely
no doubt in my mind as to the effectiveness and medical principals behind VelociTea
with Holy/Blessed Thistle. I have experienced personally the pain and discomfort
that results from Crohn's and I have also done exhaustive research into the
possible treatments and cures. The VelociTea Tea is the only viable solution
I am aware of for treating and clearing up this dreaded disease."

Rheumatoid Arthritis Recovery with Marine Phytoplankton
"In 2004 I began to experience a lot of joint swelling in my hands, shoulders,
knees and ankles. That pain would simply jump around in my body without warning
and I kept going to the doctor who concluded I had either strained a muscle
or had a torn rotator cup. Eventually after CATS and MRIs showed no problems
the doctor gave me a blood test and when it came back she said that I had Lupus.
I was prescribed a series of medications that made me very ill. After researching
more about lupus it occurred to me that I needed to find a doctor that specialized
in autoimmune deficiencies.
I found a doctor who specialized in autoimmune diseases
and after a series of blood test this doctor told me I had RA, Rheumatoid Arthritis.
She said that my RA factors were over 200 and started me on a methotrexate,
and other RA combo drugs including, prednisone, cortisone shots and painkillers.
I eventually ended up switching to other Rheumatoid Arthritis drugs and weekly
injections of Enbrel shots. I was constantly praying for something natural I
could take that would cure this horrible and unforgiving disease. My doctor insisted that there was no
cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis and that I needed to
accept the fact that I would be on medication for the rest of my life, that
RA was not reversible. The side effects of the medications were at times unbearable.
A friend of mine who at one time had stage four pancreatic cancer introduced
me to Marine Phytoplankton and suggested that I talk to a friend of hers for
more information. It was suggested that I began with 1 1/2 oz of Marine Phytoplankton
a day and after 30 days I should see some change in my body. After being on so many over the counter
drugs and prescribed medications I was a bit reluctant but decided to try
it 3 days after purchasing it. After all, I really had nothing to lose. Within the first half hour of taking the
Marine Phytoplankton I felt. The swelling
had left my hands, completely (this is where the Rheumatoid Arthritis had settled).
Each day I continued to take 1 1/2 oz of the Marine Phytoplankton and I have
not looked back. It has only been 30 days and I have not taken any medications
for arthritis. I have been pain free and I have not had any joint swelling.
This is truly a miracle for me and it is what I have been looking for. I am
recommending it to everyone I know that has RA. I believe that
Marine Phytoplankton nutrition is the all-natural
product that is healing my body from the inside out." T. W
Conquering Arthritis: 9 Secrets I Learned the Hard Way
"Just over two years ago, my husband's plight with rheumatoid arthritis finally
got the best of him. Having to go out of work on disability and administering
several pain medications, became a common factor in his life. The following
year, I was diagnosed with Grave's disease (Hyperactive Thyroid) . It was then
I became just like my husband; "a pharmaceutical guinea pig". I ordered our
glyconutrient juice
which came in the mail last Wednesday evening. We both drank 2oz. each before
going to bed. The next morning...WOW...a revelation!
My husband had slept all night for the first time in over two years and the irritability that came with
my hyperactivity, somehow was not there! By Sunday, my chronic toe fungus and
crinkled finger nails and tips had improved! My husband can raise both arms
over his head, touch his toes, and exhibit more intimate morale...I like that
one! In fact, I pulled in the driveway after work this afternoon and he was
riding a bicycle with my children! I am so ecstatic!...not only for my husband
but also for myself and our children who love it! How often do children ask
for something healthy?" Iris G. E., Hollister, North Carolina
The high prevalence of poor outcomes and undesirable side effects in patients
receiving conventional therapy and the beneficial results obtained by patients
using alternative therapies suggests that the latter should be given greater
attention than they are getting. Even by the admission of many arthritis experts,
conventional therapy for arthritis is far less than optimal. Research
is indicating that current drugs being used in
osteoarthritis may be producing
short-term benefit, but actually accelerating the progression of the joint destruction.
Complete Success over Chronic Fatigue
Does just getting out of bed in the morning seem to be a major effort?
How about doing a simple job of vacuuming the living room floor? How about
serious things like having to keep a job which required concentration, focus,
intellect and creativity—operations which in my mind were simply not functioning.
I didn’t know it then, but I had Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome. "You must take control of your health by realizing that
the body will only have the capacity to heal if you make the right choices.
You must honor yourself and do what is right for you.
As a child I was constantly ill and was seen as a fragile child. I struggled
through my teens with more varied diagnoses which included rheumatic fever,
sinusitis, and accident proneness. I suffered from mood swings, loss of memory,
fatigue, rashes, sinusitis, tinnitus, chronic PMT, weight thatwould bounce
up and down like a yoyo, muscle and joint pains, anxiety. I never suspected
that my daily diet could be the cause of my problems - after all I was very
very careful about what I ate... back then I believed in what the experts said
was a 'healthy' diet.
In my mid thirties my health took a serious turn for the
worst. I was so exhausted that getting up was on some days impossible and, once
up, even the smallest task, such as feeding the cats, would reduce me to tears.
I ached everywhere, had absolutely no energy, felt disassociated from the world
and yearned for death. By this time I had no faith in doctors so did not seek
medical help. I decided to begin my own quest for health. It was long and, at
times, very frustrating journey but I eventually found the cause of my problems
I am now healthier than I ever have been and in my 40s I wear smaller size clothes
than I did as a teenager. I am also calmer, more content and physically more
fit than I have ever been. My journey to this point was not an easy one. Sadly,
I am not unusual and this breaks my heart as I know there are many thousands
of people suffering when they do not have to.
Healing Colon Cancer with Raw Food
"The year was 1976. I was 42 years old and I was told I had colon cancer. A
tumor about the size of a baseball had been found underneath my left rib cage
where the transverse and descending colon come together. I was devastated! I
asked, "Why me Lord?" I didn't understand!
"What was I to do?...as a pastor for 20 years, I had sat at the bed- side
of so many people and watched the devastating effects of chemotherapy, radiation
and surgery experienced by others in the treatment of their cancers, I had also
conducted the funerals for many of them. "
"...he advised me not to go the medical route of chemotherapy, radiation
and surgery, as mom had gone... BUT TO SIMPLY CHANGE MY DIET TO RAW FRUITS AND
Chet's Testimonial of his health recovery with raw food and juice
My name is Chet Day. In April of 1992 I awoke one morning with the awful feeling
that at the age of 43 my physical body would soon fall apart. I suffered from
indigestion, constipation, hemorrhoids, fatigue, depression, incredible gas
and bloating, and a variety of other middle-aged American symptoms.
At the time, I lugged close to 200 pounds on my 5'7" frame. I spent most
of my time sitting on my massive butt while my sausage-like hands and fingers
worked a computer keyboard. I drank gallons of coffee and cases of soft drinks
to maintain a mental edge while I worked at my Macintosh. And I wolfed candy
bars and corn chips like the local supermarket would stop carrying them in the
morning. When I did force myself away from my computers to get some shut-eye,
I spent more time tossing, turning, and belching than I did sleeping. Simply
put, I looked like warmed over waffles and felt even worse. But I ignored all
this and kept up my hectic work style and ignorant lifestyle.
For a while, I mean. Then my world threatened to collapse... One morning
a few weeks later the shoulder of my right arm felt like it would explode if
I tried to type. I could barely lift that arm to keyboard height, and punching
keys sent shooting pains up and down my arm. "This is a problem," I thought,
and I didn't know what to do. You see, I don't trust doctors and the medical
profession in general because I've watched surgical and allopathic interventions
destroy the health and peace of mind of my parents and, to a slightly lesser
degree, my wife. I could tell you horror stories about what my mother and father
and spouse have been through that would make you sick to your stomach. I bet
you have some of these same stories in your family. Unfortunately, most of us
But , back in 1992, I found myself desperate. Putting aside my qualms, I
decided it wouldn't hurt to at least have a consultation regarding my physical
problems. Get used to feeling sick, pal... A call to an orthopaedic specialist
resulted in two comments: 1) an offer to inject my shoulder with a drug that
he described as being "much stronger than cortisone that'll cover up the pain
for a month or two and maybe it'll even go away while you're not noticing it";
and 2) a patronizing "Well, you are past forty, so you may as well start getting
used to having physical problems."
The heck with that, I said... Being the stubborn sort who rarely believes
anything on first look and being particularly skeptical when it comes to doctors
and their pronouncements, I rejected this MD's advice to shoot myself up with
dope and reconcile my mind to failing health. Instead, I quit my job as a sysop
on a telecommunications network, unplugged my computers and modems, and spent
the next three months reading everything I could find about alternative approaches
to health.
As a result of my reading and experimentation, within six months I had learned
how to take care of myself and how to provide my body with the various factors
it needed so it could work the way it was designed to function. At the end of
that six month period, I weighed 145 pounds. My body, once I started treating
it properly, corrected the problem with my shoulder and all my other middle-age
problems as well. The body truly can heal itself when given a chance. Our souls
do indeed rest inside of God's finest biological achievement!
Beware of Dietary Deficiency
Most human illnesses and diseases are due to a
deficiency of vital nutrients. When you supply your body with the
proper nutrients, in a form that your body can use, it knows how to repair itself.
"The body has the inherent ability -the vitality -not only to heal itself and
restore health, but also to ward off disease. Illness is not caused simply
by an invasion of external agents or germs, but is a manifestation of the organism's
attempt to defend and heal itself." TC Fry
Flaxoil for vision improvement
One lady said that it had helped her, but it had helped her neighbor more. The
neighbor had macular degeneration and lost her driver's license, and now she
had it back. Another lady said that she had faced cataract surgery and put a
drop of oil in each eye at night and the cataracts cleared up. A friend had macular
degeneration in one eye and a developing cataract in the other. She is 83. A few
weeks ago she began putting a drop of oil in each eye and she called to tell
me there is a lot of improvement in the eye with Macular Degeneration. She is all excited.
The human body cannot function properly without two polyunsaturated
fats - linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid.
These fatty acids, which are found
in Flaxseed Oil are truly to normal cell structure and body function. Flaxseed
may prove useful in the nutritional management of patients with autoimmune diseases.
Fibromyalgia and Raw Food Research Study and testimonials
Donaldson and his staff also conducted
an intervention study looking at how the raw foods diet affected people with
fibromyalgia, a nerve and muscle pain disorder. Over a course of six
weeks, 30 people were put on a program that included two to three glasses of
carrot juice, barley greens, raw fruits and vegetables, flaxseed oil, and some
cooked food at dinner (mostly whole grains). At the end of the trial, two thirds
showed remarkable improvement: two participants overcame their severe depression;
one woman went back to work after being out on disability. "Generally the
raw food diet works because it is a synergy," says Donaldson. "Vitamins, enzymes,
a healthy bowel, balanced emotions, positive outlook -- all of these components
come together in a living way. People overcome arthritis, allergies, cancer,
you name it. I am still amazed by the testimonials that come back to us from
people who have adopted a raw foods diet." Rose Lee Calabro knows what Donaldson
is talking about. Before turning raw she was an HMO nightmare: she suffered
from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, allergies,
Candida, chronic fatigue, joint pain, depression, mood swings, gallstones,
hair loss, hearing loss, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, difficulty concentrating,
chronic sinusitis, insomnia, gout, and early signs of
cancer in breasts and lungs. Although
her transition to a raw foods diet was gradual (first a vegetarian, then a cooked
food vegan), she truly began to notice changes after going raw.
"My whole outlook toward life changed -- mind, body and soul," says Calabro.
"In less than two years, I lost the weight I wanted to and cured myself of my
health problems."
Testimonials of healing fibromyalgia with raw food
Shelly - "My nightmare began at the end of 1996. At 25 I was what
society would consider healthy. I ate what I thought was a well balanced diet
and I was fit and very active. I felt good, had a great boyfriend, now husband,
and life was good.. How drastically everything would change. I started to fall
ill. Terribly ill. It began with a migraine that came one day and never left.
Accompanying the migraine was a pain at the base of my skull and severe muscle
tightness, and pain. My muscles in my neck and shoulders became as hard as rocks
and nothing would relax them. Over the next six years I would bounce from various
types of doctors and specialists in the allopathic medical community (conventional
No doctor could help me and my list of symptoms kept getting longer.
Added to the debilitating migraines and muscle tightness, fatigue and pain was..
50lb weight gain, extreme excitability/nervousness, panic attacks, shortness
of breath, great loss of libido, painful intercourse, fibrocystic breasts, irregular
heart beat, chronic sinus infections and yeast infections, lowered immune system
and more. My body was falling apart. I felt like a 20-something trapped in the
body of an 80 year old.. But not a healthy 80 year old, a dying 80 year old."
Learn about Shelly's amazing recovery
HIV+ AIDS survivors: Drug Free Approach
Excerpt from Alive and Well Website Living Quilt-Ed since 1954
"...As I write this it has been eleven years since I first got tested....I take
no medications, no medical treatments, no vitamins or herbal supplements, just
good food and ten minutes a day of the exercise for the immune system. Had I
listened to the doctors in 1988 I wouldn’t be here today. Now in my mid-fifties
I have a better body than I've ever had in my life. I thank God that I was smart
enough to "just say no" to the doctors, so it didn’t cost me my health. If anything,
as a result of what I learned, I’m healthier today than I’ve ever been.
Edward Sherbey's personal experience of being diagnosed as HIV+ and being a
long-time survivor -- by not taking any of the anti-virus drugs.
Ed is sharing his amazing success story because he want people to stop taking
drugs TO SAVE THEIR LIVES! He firmly believes the drugs are killing them.
He says that there is not one shred of evidence that supports that the drugs
are doing anything other than killing people. People must learn for themselves
how to take responsibility for their own lives.