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Dog Joint Problem, Hip Dysplasia Home Treatment, Pain Relief

Painful joints and stiffness is a common problem among adult dogs. Anti-inflammatory drugs provide temporarily pain relief by masking the symptoms but do not address the underlying condition and do nothing to help repair damaged tissue and prevent further deterioration. There are safe and effective natural solutions to prevent joint conditions to develop such as arthritis and hip dysplasia and help heal your pet.

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Drug-free Pet Joint & Hip Natural Treatments

Our animals are just as susceptible to develop joint diseases such as arthritis or osteoarthritis as humans do. Pain and decreased mobility resulting from joint inflammation and osteoarthritis often have a negative impact on the affected canine’s quality of life. Steroids and Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAID) such as Rimadyl, Metacam, Deramaxx, Previcox provide temporarily pain relief by masking the symptoms but do not address the underlying condition and do nothing to help repair damaged tissue and prevent further deterioration. Furthermore these drugs can be damaging to the liver and gastrointestinal system when taken over long periods of time and can have other side effects as well.    

Diet is a key factor in the treatment of joint condition. Feeding your companion a quality diet is the foundation of good health, and this is the most important thing you can do for your canine and feline. Many animals with chronic conditions such as arthritis have shown dramatic improvement on a raw food or home-prepared diet. a very high quality canned food or dehydrated food, and the best quality kibble you can afford.

According to the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, studies also point to the adverse reaction to vaccines that are known to trigger inflammation of the joints and muscles

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Natural Treatment Options for Joint, Hip Problem

  • Homeopathic remedies such as Bryonia, Ruta, and Rhus Tox can provide relief to joint pain and inflammation. A consultation with a homeopathic veterinarian is advised.
  • Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (TCVM) provided by an experienced veterinarian can provide pain relief
  • Essential Fatty Acids Omega-3 fats such as Fish Oil help fight joint inflammation.
  • One of the best treatments for joint pain is a high quality Glucosamine/Chrondroitin supplement (see below).

NuJoint Plus ™ Hip & Joint Supplement is a natural safe and effective anti-inflammatory hip and joint therapy, formulated with the finest pharmaceutical, human grade ingredients. Major considerations in formulating NuJoint Plus were the pharmaceutical grade quality of ingredients and their healing values, as well as the digestibility and utilization on a cellular level.

NuJoint Plus is carefully formulated by veterinarians and scientists to contain precise percentages of Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and Vitamin C which are renowned to quickly and effectively reverse and heal pain associated with joint inflammation.

Dog owners using NuJoint formulas to help their ailing pets have been reporting the healing and recovery from dog joint pain (arthritis), hip dysplasia, and lower vitality. Glucosamine has been shown not only to help with pain, but also to rehabilitate damaged cartilage. These nutrient compounds may also have anti-inflammatory activity within the joints. MSM is a naturally occurring sulfur compound found in every cell of the body, which helps to maintain healthy connective tissue and membrane flexibility. It can assist in reducing inflammation and swelling associated with arthritis and other diseases or injuries.

  • MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) supplies biologically active sulphur to animals joints. Use of MSM has been shown to reduce the rigidity of cells in the soft tissues of the body. By reducing this rigidity, fluids are able to pass more freely from the cell and this helps to reduce cell pressure, thereby reducing inflammation and pain.
  • Glucosamine provides the joints with the building blocks needed to repair the damage caused by osteoarthritis . Acting as a catalyst, glucosamine helps animals synthesize new cartilage needed to replace damaged cartilage caused by wear and tear. Hip dysplasia occurs when normal wear and tear break down cartilage.
  • Chondroitin attracts and holds fluid within cartilage tissue helping to lubricate joints, increase mobility and reduce discomfort caused by hip dysplasia. Chondroitin, neutralizes the destructive enzymes that are known to damage and destroy cartilage. Chondroitin aids the entry of glucosamine into inflamed joints. Vitamin C promotes cartilage growth and tissue repair.
  • Vitamin C is a key factor in the immune system, helping white blood cells function. Prolonged vitamin c deficiency will cause existing tissues to deteriorate.

Leg Stiffness and Pain in a Senior Dog

From Nancy Smith, February 19, 2012

dog	joint pain "Sweety is our 11 year old Border Collie mix. Her mom and dad were mixed with Lab, Chow, and Pitbull so she is a big girl at about 80lbs. But she is so sweet and wants everyone to give her treats because she knows she is so pretty! About 1and 1/2 years ago she started having problems getting up after she had been laying down for a long period of time. It slowly progressed and she didn’t want to get up and run around so much either. We knew it was part of old age but we wanted to help her somehow, naturally we tried the nasty product called Rimadyl from the vet which didn't help at all and the Rimadyl gave her bloody stools"

We searched the internet and found Shirley's Wellness Cafe and the information about NuJoint Plus for joint problem and pain relief. We also switched their food to the Life's Abundance dog food I think it was only about 1 week and my husband noticed Sweety was getting up a little easier. In a few months we caught her on our couch one morning and she runs now too! I totally believe Sweety is doing so much better thanks to a much improved nutrition. I believe that The Lord sent us to Shirley's website because she really loves animals so much and she's eagerly sharing great information for people who want to help their pets they love so much." Nancy Smith

GoldenDoodle with Hip Dysplasia

"NuJoint Plus is a miracle! My goldendoodle, Cara, is 6 years old. 2 1/2 years ago I thought we were going to lose her. She has hip dysplasia. She was, in my mind, still our puppy, however, she could barely stand. She whimpered when she got off the couch and sometimes she would wet herself because she just couldn't get up. Dog recovered from hip dysplasiaMy vet had her on two different medications, costing over $100 per month. One made her drowsy and the other was hard on her stomach. She seemed to be barely getting by and not improving. It was heartbreaking! A friend gave me a bottle of Nuvet Plus and said they were very helpful with his dog. Within a couple weeks I noticed a drastic change in my puppy. She was more peppy and was able to stand more easily.

By the second month, she was running around, jumping up to give us kisses, and going up the stairs again, which she hadn't been able to do for several months. Before we finished the bottle, which lasted us three months, she was off both of her prescription medications. It was a miracle! She is now taking Nuvet Plus and NuvJoint. And she is truly a new dog! (I should note also that they are much cheaper than the prescription medication she was on before.) I couldn't be more grateful for this wonderful company for giving me back my puppy and giving her back quality of life!! " Teresa F. Tempe, AZ yelp review

7 Year Old Dog with Severe Hip and Joint Pain

"My 7 year old Black Lab mix, Penny, has a slew of problems, to include severe hip and joint pain and horrendous allergies. Her skin looked reptilian and she would scratch and lick her paws so badly, she would bleed. Her coat, which should be black, was constantly completely covered in flakes. She seemed lethargic and very uncomfortable all the time. I tried her on a number of medications through the vet, but because she is also on daily pain killers for her hips, the vet always stopped short of giving her steroiddog	joint pain injections. NuVet Plus was recommended to me by chance by the Dog Whisperers of America.

It has been 6 months now that Penny gets 1 tablet a day and she is now a completely different dog! Her allergies are gone! Her skin is clear and white, her fur is shiny and not flaky, her eyes are clear, her energy level is up, she is running around like a happy puppy! Her joint and hip pains are a thing of the past. I give NuVet Plus to my 6 year old yellow lab, Daisy, as well, and Daisy has no problems! This product really worked for us and I highly recommend it! " Tania Wilkens, Maryland

No matter what age or breed, your pet can experience long lasting health benefits from NuJoint, a premium natural anti-inflammatory hip and joint therapy specially formulated nutritional pet supplement. NuJoint Plus contains only the highest quality pharmaceutical, human grade ingredients that are specifically compounded in a FDA-registered laboratory for maximum potency and effectiveness.

Cocker Spaniel with Back Pain

dog joint painI have a Cocker that will be turning 14 in June. He's had back issues, for 4 years now. We've been able to control his suffering with pain meds, muscle relaxers. During the flare up's, he was staying doped up on pain meds, muscle relaxers and benadryl (benadryl, to stop him from scratching and help him sleep). We were at the point of really thinking about euthenizing him cuz we couldn't watch him suffer anymore. I started searching the net and found "NuJoint and Nuvet Plus ". Figured, can't hurt to try it, WOW!!! What a difference it's made. Mikey has not been on any pain/ muscle relaxers meds since the day I started giving the 2 Nuvet Lab products!!

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Dog recovered from hip dysplasiaNuvet supplement for dogs and cats is a nutrient rich formulas that goes to the source of the problem that can help improve your pet's resistance to allergies and diseases, as well as help reduce pain and swelling and restore their quality life full of vigor, agility, and good health.

Pet with Severe Ear Pain

My 6 year old Sheppard, Kaya, has had problems her whole life with her ears, and she has had surgery about every 3 months. We have had to take her back to the vets to have her sedated to enable them to clean her ears out completely. This has been a extremely painful process for Kaya! However, Kaya has been on this wonderful Nuvet supplement for the last 4 months now and she has never been happier. Our dog is a huge part of our family, it’s so frustrating when your child gets sick and they don't know what’s wrong. Well for us it’s the same for our Kaya, she is my baby! Our vet is a friend of ours and just recently asked if something had happened to our dog, cause she had not been in for her regular ear cleaning. It was so good to finally be able to tell him she has never been better! I have since sent the Kirkton Vet Clinic the web site for this wonderful product, as it seems a lot of dogs in our area are dealing with the same issues.

NuVet Plus Ingredients Compliments NuJoint Plus

NuVet Plus is a is a yummy chew-able liver flavored wafers and powder loaded with enzymes, essential pure source vitamins and minerals and rounded out with a selection of natural herbs designed to combat free radicals and assist in providing your puppy and kitty with the powerful ingredients of phytonutrients and antioxidants it needs to maintain a health and vitality into old age.

Nuvet Labs 60 day guarantee

Essential nutrients deficiency weaken our pets and put them at risk of becoming sick.

NuVet Lab pet supplements are made using only natural human grade ingredient that can be given at any time of day, with or without food. They can even be given as a treat, once daily. Nuvet Lab guarantees their product for 60 days and your money back.

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