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Blue Green Algae is a Superb Natural Source of Nutrients

Blue Green Algae ,(Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae), (AFA), is called and "the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet. The health benefits of these microscopic algae have been reported for more than two decades, yet it is only recently that science has revealed the mechanisms by which these acts on the body, and the astonishing health benefits they provide for people and animals.

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Blue Green Algae is the most Ancient Food

AFAAphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) Blue Green Algae is the first protein and most ancient food on earth. At the bottom of the food chain, it is the most nutrient-rich food (ounce for ounce) known to be created by nature.

This simple organism is complete nutrition in its most basic form - the "building blocks of health". Wild AFA blue-green algae is a superb natural source of nutrients for the body. It boasts outstanding levels of chlorophyll, vitamin B12, beta-carotene, iron, protein, enzymes, amino acids and many more complementary nutrients in a completely assimable form. As a result, it can help to increase energy, correct imbalances, oxygenate cells and realize high levels of physical and mental health.

Blue Green Algae has been eaten for health benefits by millions of people for thousand of years. In Africa, Mexico, China, Japan and Europe, the healing powers of algae have long been recognized. These algae contains an unusually large proportion of high-quality protein (approximately 55 - 65%), with all eight essential amino acids present in an ideal balance. It also contains powerful antioxidants, a wealth of trace minerals, vitamins (especially B vitamins), rare and essential fatty acids, unique forms of sulfolipids and a variety of phytochemicals such as phycocyanin, phycoerythrin, and chlorophyll.

The results of this research and testing have been impressive enough for UC Irvine scientists to call it a "Super Food, capable of contributing to the achievement and maintenance of wellness". Chlorophyll is a very important part of the algae. Its molecular structure is almost the same as that of the hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying throughout the body. Oxygen is the prime nutrient, and chlorophyll is the central molecule for increasing the oxygen availability to your system. Chlorophyll is vital for the body’s rapid assimilation of amino acids. Algae is the highest known source of chlorophyll.

Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) Research

AFA super food Extensive research was performed by the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal, Canada, led by Dr. Gitte S. Jensen, on the effect of Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae (AFA) on the immune and endocrine systems, as well as general blood physiology. The results were remarkable. It was discovered that consuming AFA had a profound and unique effect on natural killer cells. The results were published under the title; Effects of the Blue Green Algae Aphanizomenon flos-aquae on Human Natural Killer Cells,” Chapter 3.1 of the IBC Library Series, Volume 1911, and Phytoceuticals: Examining the health benefit and pharmaceutical properties of natural antioxidants and phytochemicals.” The results were as follows:

Within two hours after eating 1.5 grams of AFA, an average of 40% of the blood natural killer cells (one billion) left the bloodstream and migrated into the tissues. They further discovered that in some cases the natural killer cells remaining in the bloodstream had two to three times as many adhesion molecules as they did before the AFA was consumed. After a few hours, the natural killer cells returned to the bloodstream.

Health Benefits Attributed to AFA

AFA product The health benefits of AFA have been reported for more than two decades, however, it is only recently that science has fully explained the mechanisms by which AFA acts on the body. The following are a few of the most notable benefits attributed to AFA:

  • Stimulates the release of stem cells from the bone marrow and, therefore, stands as an unequaled natural products for regeneration and healing.
  • Stimulates the migration of natural killer cells, a type of lymphocyte involved in eliminating cancerous and virally infected cells, offering powerful immune support
  • An excellent source of highly bioavailable Omega-3 fatty acids, carotenoids and chlorophyll which promotes a healthy heart and benefits the treatment of ADD
  • Contains phycocyanin, the blue pigment, which helps prevent inflammation and pain and protect the body against heavy metal toxicity and pesticides
  • Significant source of phenylethylamine (PEA), known to increase mental alertness, concentration, elevate mood and alleviate depression and symptoms of ADD
  • Rich source of vitamins and minerals.

afa noteI'm using a revolutionary AFA supplement, a blend of 3 exotic, plant-based ingredients including the health promoting Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) to support a more significant increase in the release of your body’s own stem cells.

This product also contains a vast array of naturally occurring nutrients including phenylethylamine (PEA) which supports mood. AFA is patented and certified organic. It also contains Aloe macroclada which is considered by the people of Madagascar as a factor of rejuvenation and longevity. It has been documented to support an increase in the number of circulating stem cells. Another ingredient, Undaria pinnatifida, is an ultra-pure marine algae that’s hand harvested from wild seaweed and grown in the most pristine ocean waters. It has been clinically shown to support a long lasting increase in the number of your body’s own circulating stem cells. Undaria pinnatifida is organic.

Other ingredients include:
Astragalus membranaceous Extract has been shown to have a beneficial role in maintaining telomere length.
Curcuma longa (Turmeric) – recently shows evidence that it may exert significant benefit in maintaining telomere length.
Cordyceps sinensis is associated with stamina, longevity and a wide variety of health benefits.

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AFA's Effects on the Circulation And Immune Function

Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association
Vol. 2, No. 3, January 2000
A Peer-Reviewed Journal on Nutraceuticals and Nutrition
Mark Houston, MD
Department of Surgery, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Research and Development, Cell Tech, Klamath Falls, Oregon

Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Has Rapid Effects Consumption of a moderate amount (1.5 grams) of the blue-green algae Aphanizomenon flos-aquae results in rapid changes in immune cell trafficking. Two hours after AFA consumption, a generalized mobilization of lymphocytes and monocytes, but not polymorph nucleated cells, was observed. This included increases in CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ T cell subsets and CDl9+ B cells. In addition, the relative proportions and absolute numbers of natural killer (NK) cells were reduced after AFA consumption. No changes were observed in the relative proportions of naive versus memory T cells, neither in the CD4 nor the CD8 fractions. A mild but significant reduction in phagocytic activity was observed for polymorph nucleated cells. When freshly purified lymphocytes were exposed to AFA extract in vitro, direct activation was not induced, as evaluated by tyrosine phosphorylation and proliferative activity.

The first scientific report published on AFA was by Gabriel Cousens, MD (1985), in the Journal of Orthomedicine on the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Several case studies were presented where AFA appeared to noticeably reverse the progression of this degenerative condition. Subsequently, Dr. Cousens has continued to advocate the use of AFA especially for conditions related to mental and emotional functioning. Since that study, thousands of seniors have reported success using AFA on a daily basis. Algae Nutritional Properties

What follows are results from three studies on children and the use of AFA: Nicaragua - University of Central America

Sevulla and Aguirre (1995)1, in their doctoral research studied 1,567 school children who were given 1 gram (4 capsules) of AFA a day for six months.

  • * A 54% percent increase in classroom participation was reported by teachers.
  • A 21% percent increase in classroom attendance records was found.
  • Overall, physical improvements in hair, skin and general health were observed.
  • The school's ranking on standardized academic tests went from lowest to highest in the nation.
  • Key Finding: A dramatic 81% improvement in the children's academic scores were reported

Harvard, Massachusetts - Center for Family Wellness

Claudia Jarratt and her staff (1997) conducted a landmark study of 142 children who ate between .5 gm and 1 gm of AFA a day for ten weeks.

* Improved social skills with peers
* Reduced anxiety and depression
* Less argumentative, controlling and demanding behavior
* Increased ability to follow directions and focus on tasks

Key Finding. Parents and teachers reported significant improvements in children's problem behaviors in 10 out of 11 categories using the Achenbach rating scales. Sierra Vista, AZ - The Stillwell Learning Center

Jeffrey Bruno, Ph.D., Joe-Jo Gittelman, and Barry Tuchfeld, Ph.D. (1998) conducted a study of 31 children in a special reading program who ate either 1.5 gm, 3 gm, or no AFA a day for three months.

* Significant behavioral improvements on the Conners Parent and Teacher Rating Scales
* A forty percent improvement on children's mean score of memory recall
* A twenty percent improvement on children's mean scores of concentration
* A dramatic increase in tutorial classroom attendance records
* Overall reduced physical symptoms and complaints

Key Finding. The AFA groups demonstrated a significant reduction in toxic levels of aluminum. Toxic levels of aluminum are correlated with learning problems and References:

  • Bruno J, Gittelman J, Tuchfeld B. Lowered aluminum, with better detoxification, and improved cognitive, behavioral ratings by children eating Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. Submitted for publication, 2001.
  • Bruno J, Gittelman J, Tuchfeld B. Lowered aluminum, with better detoxification, and improved cognitive, behavioral ratings by children eating Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. Submitted for publication, 2001.
  • Buletsa B, Ihnatovych I, Lupych P, Pulyk O. The prevalence, structure and clinical problems of multiple sclerosis in the Transcarpathian area based on epidemiological study data. Lik Sprava. Oct-Dec 1996; (10-12):163-5
  • Cousens, G. Report of Treatment of Alzheimer's condition with Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Orthomedicine, (Winter/Spring), Vol. 8, No. 1-2, 1985 (Editor's note: AFA was the algae used in this study.)
  • Sevulla I., and Aguiree, N. Study On The Effects Of Super Blue Green? Algae, Universidad Centro Americana, Nicaragua, 1995
  • Jarratt, C., et al, The Children and Algae Report, The Center for Family Wellness, Harvard, MA, 1997.
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Spirulina, a blue-green algae

Spirulina, a blue-green alga sold as a supplement, is an excellent source of chlorophyll and disease-fighting compounds called phytochemicals. Phytochemicals (phyto is Greek for "plant") are compounds in plants and fruits that imbue them with color and protect them against cellular damage caused by free radicals. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health are studying phytochemicals to understand their role in disease prevention. Specifically, Spirulina (cyanophyta,) has 62% amino acids, or 20 times more protein than Soy and 200 times more than beef. It is also the richest source of vitamin B12, and it contains high levels of minerals, like Zinc. Spirulina has 10 times more carotenoids than carrots, and it is rich in xanthophyl pigments, like chlorophyll. It is also rich in oils, containing more omega 3s than fish oil, such as GLA.

Spirulina : The Microscopic Nutrient Powerhouse

Spirulina is optimum nutrition How It Protects and Restores Health Mouth cancer is one disorder that may be treated or prevented by phytochemicals, especially beta-carotene, which is found in abundance in spirulina. This may explain why the alga slowed and even stopped the growth of cancerous cells in scientific studies. Padmanabhan P. Nair, Ph.D., a scientist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, recently demonstrated that spirulina is a particularly potent inhibitor of mouth cancer. Nair and his colleagues gave daily spirulina supplements to volunteers in southwestern India for 12 months. The volunteers were alike in many ways: All chewed tobacco and had precancerous lesions in their mouths called leukoplakia. After taking the algae for one year, 45 percent of the volunteers had recovered, and the thick, white, precancerous patches in their mouths completely disappeared. Another 12 percent of the volunteers showed significant improvement, raising the figure to 57 percent who benefited from spirulina supplements(Nutrition and Cancer, 1995, vol. 24).

Spirulina is known as a 'wonder food' and was part of the staple diet of the ancient Aztec civilization. This 3.6 billion year old algae designed by nature can help restore our personal and planetary health. Once called a "food of the future," now millions of people around the world enjoy this food packed with unusual phytonutrients, antioxidants and functional nutrients with proven health benefits.

Animal Care with AFA and Blue Green Algae

Cat and Dog and horses Millions of people give great care and attention to their personal health and nutritional well being, while ignoring some important members of their family: the pets! Believing that animal health is fully taken care of by regular visits to the vet and high quality pet food, pet owners nationwide may be missing a crucial part of the health equation. Many leading animal health experts point to lifetime nutrient malabsorption as the leading cause and hastener of many chronic ailments in the animal community.

AFA StemEquine "From domestic to wild, animals of all types have at least one thing in common with humans: Optimal nutrition provides optimal health," says Nancy A. Bozeman, D.V.M., M.S., B.S, of The Animal Doctor Clinic, Arlington, TX. According to Dr. Bozeman, obtaining a high level of nutrition is more elusive than one might think. "While 'gourmet' or 'fortified' pet food may be a hopeful solution," she says, "A big bag of synthetic supplements may not be the way to optimize an animal's health. Regardless of the treatments an animal may need, if you don't have superior nutrition you can't have superior results."

  • Maintaining your pets (dogs, cats, birds, reptiles) on a daily amount of AFA may provide the following benefits:
  • Lustrous coats, silkier hair, more vibrant colors, better skin and less brittle nails.
  • Better general health, lessening of symptoms reported in arthritic animals.
  • Old animals act and feel younger.
  • reduced stress, better temperaments, increased immune systems, increased energy levels.
Testimonials of Animal Recovery

It was March 3, 2000, three days after my trip from India when my son yelled to me in the kitchen, “Mom, Echo’s legs just collapsed, she can’t get up!” Echo is a purebred Australian shepherd who has reached the age 13 on a vegetarian diet, mostly dry dog food. Her arthritic condition made some show a year prior to her lame condition. I was using the AFA already and noticed all-around better health! But my family had full responsibility for Echo’s care in the month I was gone and went back to the old dog food regime, which I don’t blame them, keeping up with the raw food prep takes some conscious effort and time. I talked to a friend who recommended Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). Within 3 months, she was up and running again. The AFA was her primary food mixed with her regular old vegetarian dog food. She was taking it easily as I was too. The AFA was giving her energy and movement improved in her back legs. We all need love and attention to make any healing progress and I’m convinced that the AFA from AFA is from a loving source sold by caring people who also experience it’s healthful loving qualities that nurture from within." Kathleen Abelson - Ashland

Cat´s and dog´s testimony

Walter, Cinnamon, Sparkle and Creampuff "We've had terrible problems with all our animals (three cats and a dog) peeing and pooping where they aren't supposed to, on our hardwood floors under the table, on chair legs, on beds and in closets, etc. I started giving all four of them the AFA products, especially supplementing with enzymes, probiotics, Super Sprout & Algae and CoQ10 (in addition to Animal Matrix), based on what I had read and heard from our great holistic vets and on the chat list. It has helped tremendously. I started all this AFTER we took them to the vet and they couldn't find anything wrong with them, and couldn't even suggest anything to try! According to the vet, our 10-year-old schnauzer, Walter, was simply experiencing "doggy Alzheimer's" for instance, and had "forgotten" that he was housebroken! The CoQ10 seems to have helped him the most, so maybe he was right. Anyway, it's such a relief and so fantastic to have something that works! To me it is just an "experiment in miniature" on what these products can do for us people too! Certainly made a believer out of my husband, who I have to admit was very skeptical at first, but now he takes the products religiously, and his digestive system is on track as a result." Sharon Wenger Los Angeles, CA

AFA contains unique molecules that modulate various aspects of human health

Introduction to Phycology Phenylethylamine (PEA) known as the "molecule of love." Beside enhancing concentration and attention, PEA is a natural mood elevator and anti-depressant. But the most extraordinary discovery is the ability of AFA to stimulate stem cell release and migration, making AFA the first natural compound known to stimulate the natural innate phenomenon of healing, regeneration and repair in the human body.

The only known source of this specific variety (AFA) of blue-green algae is Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. Known for being one of the world's most pristine lakes, it is surrounded by ancient volcanic mountains, and plentiful with rich sediment. Klamath Lake now has more than 37 feet of this sediment, which is why it is known to be one of the most nutrient and mineral rich areas on earth. The nutrients in this lake, plus the lake's pure water from fresh mountain springs, combined with an average of 300 days of sunshine per year, are the components that allow this most pristine environment to grow a perfectly nutrient-rich food.

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