Maltese saved from Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA)
On March 26, 2007 my maltese, Mya, woke up not feeling well at all. She was
normally a very energetic, happy dog, but that morning all she wanted to do
was lay down. I thought she may have had a stomach ache because the day before
was her birthday, and she had a few more treats than normal. I kept a close
eye on her, and she got worse as the day went on. By the afternoon, when she
would try to stand up, she would sway back and forth and then just fall to her
side and lay there. She seemed extremely dizzy and weak. After seeing this,
I called my vet and took her in.
He examined her and saw that her gums were
as white as a sheet. I told him about the extra treats she had the day before,
but he said that had nothing to do with it. He took some blood and determined
that her red blood cell count was down to 18, and he said she should be around
40. He had no idea what the cause was (and her symptoms were inconsistent with
how dogs were reacting to the recalled dog food), but he had to keep her there
on an I.V. overnight. Mya ended up staying there two nights, and her blood count
was not increasing.
Mya was then transfered to
Michigan State University's Vet hospital. They
determined that she had
Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA), a condition where her immune system attacks her
own body. It was destroying her red blood cells. They believe that this is due
to vaccinations, but they don't know what triggers it. I was told it was a very
serious disease, and that the outlook was not so great. Mya was not given much
hope of surviving, and if she did pull through it this time, they said it could
hit her again at any moment. Her blood count was still at 18, and I was told
that if it dropped any lower, she would need an immediate blood transfusion
or she would not survive.
They immediately took her to intensive care and put her on 4 different kinds
of medicine, including a high dose of steroids. Mya was in the hospital for
5 days on all this medicine. On the third day her blood count dropped to 15,
and they did have to do a blood transfusion. I was told that the transfusion
was only to buy some time to give the steroids a chance to work. After the 5th
day they released her and her blood count was at 18 again. She still had a long
way to come, but they thought she may be able to pull through, and there was
nothing more they could do
They prescribed Mya to be on the extreme high doses
of medicine for six months, and then they would re-evaluate at that time. And
in the mean time I had to bring her back every other day for two weeks, then
they would taper off the appointments. I was also warned that I may not ever
get the same dog back because of the effects of the medicine, plus they wanted
her to be on medicine for the rest of her life, just a lower dose.
For Mya's first appointment back at MSU's vet hospital, two days after she
arrived home, her red blood cell count came back at 19. It had increased one
point, so they were very happy. They said it would slowly increase, if she was
going to pull through. When I got home from her appointment, my products had arrived in the mail.
I started giving it to her immediately. I also changed her food from packaged
dog food to homemade food. Her next appointment was in two days. When I took
her in, they did her blood test again and were shocked because her count came
back at 38!!!! She was in the normal range again.
I was told that we still needed
to keep her on her medicine for the 6 months and then see how she was doing
because that was there protocol. This was very upsetting because she was not
the same dog on the medicine, and I knew it was toxic. But they scare you into
thinking that if you take her off, she will die. The next week I received the immune modulator
remedies that my holistic veterinarian sent me. I started her on those right away too. I also decided at that time to go against what the vet's
told me, and I took her off all of her medicine, cold turkey (she had been on
them a total of 2 weeks - 1 week at the vet, and 1 week at home) I was very
nervous, but I wanted her to recover naturally. I didn't want to have those
medicines destroy her little body, and then have more problems later on.
Mya went through a week of withdrawal. Each day she got better and better.
After a week, she was the same dog again. I had my little Mya back! I have not
given her any medicine since, and I have never taken her back to the vet for
a checkup and she's doing wonderful!! I still have her eating homemade dog food.
She takes vitamins and fish oil daily, and I still give her
a special immune support a couple
of times a week. It's now the end of November (8 months later) and she has not
had one symptom since. I am so grateful that I was able to find this website!
I believe this was the answer to my prayers. The knowledge I was able to gain
was priceless. It saved my dog!!! Danielle Mackay -- November 28, 2007
Related: Purdue Vaccine Study – what you should know
Schnauzer Recovery From Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA)
On May 4, 2008 my dog Jonas an 18 mo old standard schnauzer became very ill.
For about a week and a half prior to this date, I had noticed a change in his
behavior (6 wks after he was immunized) he became very mellow. Initially I thought
that maybe his mellow behavior was due to him having been neutered a few months
prior, or maybe he was depressed because my female Doberman knocked him around
a bit showing him she was alpha in the pack but as the week went on something
inside kept telling me he wasn't right however it wasn't until I decided to
take him for a walk (thinking that if he was depressed this would make him happy
because he loves walks) that I realized something was seriously wrong instead
of walking by my side he was dragging behind me. I also noticed that the whites
of his eyes were really white, this seemed a little abnormal to me but I wasn't
really sure. There wasn't a blood vessel to be seen. I never really paid much
attention to the whites of his eye before except for when I brought him to get
immunized six weeks prior.
The reason I say this is because when he was being immunized, I noticed that
his eyes were really blood shot and I thought that was odd so I proceeded to
ask the vet if that was normal and she said his blood pressure was probably
elevated because he was stressed being there. So when I saw the white in his
eyes so bright and clear I thought wow he must be really relaxed. It never crossed
my mind that it could be serious. This should have triggered me that something
was wrong but it didn't, what concerned me was his lethargy on our walk, given
his breed (high strung) I knew at that point he needed to go to the vet right
away. I ended up bringing him to the Emergency Vet because it was a Sunday morning
when all this took place.
Upon explaining Jonas's history the vet the vet asked many questions. He
asked if his appetite had changed any and asked if he had any bouts of diarrhea.
The answer to these questions was no. Jonas has been fed a raw diet since birth
and has always had a very good appetite and never had any digestive issues.
Other than his being noticeably lethargic and depressed he was fine. The doctor
then proceeded to check his eyes and mouth to see if he was jaundice and he
wasn't. It was at this point the doctor requested labs be drawn to rule out
Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA). While he did not exhibit any of the
true symptoms associated with IMHA the fact that his spleen was enlarged and
his pigmentation was pale this was the only thing he could come up with. When
the labs came back they showed that Jonas's was severely anemic his HCT (hematocrit)
was 8 (normal range should be in the mid 30's to 50's.) Jonas was immediately
admitted into the ICU with a diagnosis of IMHA needing 2 units of blood.
After spending 3 days in ICU he was release to go home on
steroid named Prednisone with a f/u in a week.
After a week of being on Prednisone and his counts not really moving they added
Cyclosporine to his treatment protocol. He remained on this for about 2-3 weeks
but again he was not responding so they went on to add yet another med called
Atopica in addition to the Prednisone and Cyclosporine. After being on this
regimen his counts only got to 23. The vet was stumped, given the amount of
meds he was on his counts should have gone back to normal range and they weren't.
Jonas was not text book material. These meds were causing havoc on his
system. He developed lymphadenitis which the vet thought could be due to cancer
but the test results came back normal. At this point the vet was so confused
and at a loss.
After much frustration, I decided to do some research on holistic medicine.
I typed in IMHA and somehow got directed to your site where I read a testimony
by Danielle Mackay whose dog experienced the same problems that I was going
through with my dog. In reading her testimony she talked about
natural immune enhancing substances and how this product helped
her out. After reading this article, and doing research I said what the heck
do I have to lose. I've already spent thousands of dollars on the dog what is
another 37 dollars.
So I ordered the product in addition to contacting our homeopathic
vet that we had for our other dogs and got a consultation. Our homeopath gave
us some nosodes to use in conjunction
with the natural immune enhancing substances to boost his immune system. He along with our treating
vet both feel that this IMHA is a direct result to Jonas being
immunized and therefore treated for that as well. As soon as
I got the product in I started Jonas on it in addition to
giving him liver. I was anxious to go back to our treating
vet and have his labs drawn to see where he was.
After being on the natural immune enhancing substances
3 days Jonas had a follow appointment with the
vet. Prior to drawing his blood the vet was saying how he thought that maybe
this IMHA has developed into Aplastic anemia and suggested that we do a bone
marrow biopsy he was at a loss and did not know what to do for him anymore.
I then proceeded to tell him about natural immune enhancing
substances and how it is supposed to modulate his immune system in order to better fight diseases and how I wanted to
try this first before doing anymore testing as I just did not have the money.
After our conversation Jonas's labs were drawn, 10 minutes later the doctor
came in and said that his counts went from 23-26 the highest they had been in
a week. The vet was impressed but still unsure.
A week later Jonas went back
for another follow-up and his PCV was now up to 30. With much excitement I then
went on your web site and talked with the homeopathic vets via tele-conference
and they suggested I try the immune modulator so I did. They told me to give
it 45 days. Well 45 days later Jonas's PCV is now at 46. He is now in normal
range. I will say I did not stop his meds cold turkey I did follow vet orders
in reducing his high dose meds.
It is now September 3, 4 months later and Jonas
is now off all steroidal meds his spleen is normal as is his liver and his counts
are still in normal range. His personality is right back to where is was before
he got sick and then some. I think he is actually making up now for when he
was down and out. I am a strong advocate of the natural immune enhancing substances .
When ever I talk to anyone I promote the products. I even use it on my son to
boost his immune system. It is such an amazing product.
You don't know how heart broken I was to think that we were going to have to
put Jonas down as nothing was working.
The odd thing with this whole situation is we have 3 dogs my first 2 have
only been seen by a homeopathic veterinarian.
When I got my schnauzer, I ended up bringing him to a western medicine vet (why
I don't know) I think it's because our holistic vet was a distance away and
it was just more convenient. Out of our 3 dogs the schnauzer is the only one
that I had routinely kept up on the shots simply because I had needed to board
him. Out of the 3 he is now the sickest and I
attribute this all to his immunizations.
At the age of 1 shortly have being immunized he developed seizures. The
holistic vet seems to think this is from the rabies vaccine. Given the severe side effects Jonas
has had to immunizations he is no longer allowed to receive immunizations.
You know I've read about how immunizations could affect the body but never thought
or new anyone who ever experienced any really bad side effects so never really
paid much attention to it. Well now I do. I hope my testimony is as effective
as Danielle Mackay's was for me. Reading her testimony truly inspired me.
This was my last ditch effort before considering having him put down.
I just could not afford the vet bills much longer nor could my emotions
handle much more. I am so thankful for your web-site and reading the
testimony as I would have never known about this product other wise.
Lisa LaVallee, Bristol CT, email: l.lavallee @
Dr. Jean Dodds, DVM - "There is increasing evidence in veterinary medicine that
vaccines can trigger immune mediated and other chronic disorders
(i. e., vaccinosis),
especially in certain apparently predisposed breeds."
Lurcher recovery from autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia (AIHA)
From: Sylvia Boyd-Brown
On the 6th of February 2004, my dog, a lurcher called Marmite, collapsed
and was diagnosed with Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia (AIHA). When I looked on
the internet for information about the condition, I was horrified to find out
that there was no known cure and the outlook was not good. The only treatment
for the disease was very high doses of steroids (Prednisolone) which has very
devastating side effects. Marmite was however
very ill, so the steroids had to be given. She spent six days at the vet's on
drips and having blood tests and scans. While Marmite was at the vet's, I began
my research on the internet, trying to find something which would help her to
recover. In my search I came across, a website which
I must say, is fantastic for all types of health issues. Here I found a testimonial
from Dave in Eastbourne whose dog had AIHA and gave him
natural immune enhancing substances to boost his immune system,
and six months later, with continued good nutrition and exercise, his dog was
still fit and well.
The Vet didn't know what else was wrong with Honey, the Lasix did help with
the congestive heart failure , but even after she took the Lasix she still didn't
eat and was very weak, that's when we started the natural immune enhancing substances, and
that's when things turned around for Honey.
We are so thankful for this product
natural immune enhancing substances, thankful for the wisdom the higher power has given
all the talented Dr's and Vet's, that have put their time and energy into this
immune product that helps the body heal itself. We are so thankful to see our
beagle girl, Honey happy healthy again!"
Dog Recovers From Auto Immune Hemolytic Anaemia (AIHA)
"My dog Arnie had been given up on by the vet. He had acute anemia caused
by his white blood cells killing his red ones and quite honestly we were making
arrangements for his funeral. But then I learned that
natural immune enhancing substances was used by veterinarians
to support and modulate the immune system. Also with an improved diet and
natural immune enhancing substances, we noticed a dramatic improvement. Three months later, after
finishing the entire course, Arnie is doing so well that he no longer needs
natural immune enhancing substances . He now has so much energy on his new diet that we have to restrict
his intake or we could be pulling him off the ceiling. He is putting on weight
steadily as is his partner Heidi who has been on natural immune enhancing substances also. With
her improved immune system and flaxseed oil,
her scaly flaky skin condition on her back have cleared up. " Dave Burrows in Eastbourne,
United Kingdom, Sunday, October 12, 2003;
Note: Canine autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is a disease
characterized by increased destruction of red blood cells (erythrocytes) by
the dog's own immune system. Though much attention has been given recently to
AIHA due to evidence linking the process
of vaccinating with the manifestation of this sometimes life-threatening
disease, immunization is only one potential cause for this condition. Another
potential cause is the heartworm medication, Proheart6.

Labrador Healed from Allergies and thyroid illness
From: Ann Nelson
My 5 year old black lab, Yale, was really weighed down with prednisone and
other medications the conventional vet had him on. At one point they thought
his allergies were symptomatic of hypothyroidism and had him on soloxine for
three months until they retested him and found he did not have hypothyroidism
AND due to the soloxine, his own thyroid was about to shut down.
That is when I found a homeopathic vet in the area (the only one in upstate
New York) and together we got Yale's system cleaned up and healthy. We went
through 3 really bad years, each worse than the one before it with the vets
trying to cure Yale's symptoms with all sorts of medications. One vet insisted
on skin testing at Cornell University which I could not see putting my dog through
when I knew what he was allergic to -- pollen, molds, and beef.
Yale had seasonal allergies and severe itching/hot spots until one year ago
when I put him on a natural diet of cooked ground turkey, raw veggies, barley,
Dr. Pitcairn's recipe for "healthy powder" and flaxseed oil. By altering his
diet (through the thanks of my homeopathic vet and books I've read) and keeping
him away from swimming areas in the spring and summer that are loaded with pollen,
Yale is now healthy and his allergies are manageable. I found that when he swam
in the springtime and summer months when the tree pollen was high, he would
get staph infections on his skin which caused him to itch like crazy and end
up with bald spots all over his neck and chest. Since he has been on
flaxseed oil I have seen major improvements.
He hasn't had a hot spot or balding areas where he used to itch, he no longer
itches!!!!! His coat is very shiny and people comment on this all the time.
The reason why I cook the ground turkey is because it is easier to handle and
not have to worry about bacteria getting all over the kitchen when handling
the raw turkey. I know the raw turkey is better than cooking it but I only broil
it for 3 minutes until the redness is out. I will never take my dog off this
diet and will always continue giving him flaxseed oil. He is so healthy now
that we haven't had to visit the vet in over a year. I do not vaccinate him yearly
since the blood titers show his level of parvo and distemper is over the minimum
recommended amount. It is difficult telling other dog owner friends of mine
that they should be feeding their dogs natural foods and not the Walmart brand.
Ann Nelson, Saratoga Springs, NY
Granulomatous meningoencephalitis
Name: Kathy Codde
Foster City, CA. U.S.A.
My dog (american eskimo-5 yrs. old) was recently diagnosed with an auto-immune
disease called GRANULOMATOUS MENINGIOENCEPHALITIS believed to be caused from
vaccinations. She (Aspen) almost didn't survive. The treatment at this time
is prednisone, phenobarbital and chemotherapy -"ara-c" SQ injections twice a
day for two days-appr. every three weeks. Lately she barely will eat.I started
flax seed oil mixed in cottage cheese and vit. C 500 mg. She ate the mixture of flax seed appr. for 2 weeks but
now she won't eat it at all. Prognosis is poor. She has brought so much joy
to me. I am so grateful that you provide this website and that you have helped
me so much. I am going to review all this with
Dr. Loops and I can't wait to
see Aspen healthy and happy again.
Feline Leukemia
My Cat Stripes (about 4 months old) had been taking antibiotics and prednisole
for more than 1 month, after seeing 4 different Veterinarians, one tested him
for leukemia, and it tested positive..He was dying, he couldn't even stand up,
not even to go to his litter box, the Vet recommended that I put him to sleep..that
there was no cure..( I had already spent more than $400.00 in Dr. Visits and
medicine), But I love my cat, and I was crying, he was dying in front of my
eyes, and I couldn't do anything....Well, I went Online, and found your web,
and information on how natural immune enhancing substances
supports the immune system for animals. I had nothing to lose and I was was
July 3...Weekend holiday, If I placed the order.
I was afraid that Stripes
was not going to make it, he had not been eating for at least 4 days...he was
just bones... I called you, and you help me by selling me a bottle, I went picked
it up, gave it to him at 6:00pm and at 4:00am, the next morning, I woke up,
he wasn't in his bed in my room.. HE WAS IN THE LIVING ROOM, IN THE COUCH, HE
food. It has been less than 10 days, he has gain weight, he now runs, and as
my husband says...He eats like 10 times a day! yesterday he was playing with
his favorite toy.
Shirley, Thank you!! you can share this testimony with anyone,
as it is true!! Hard to believe, but is is real, natural immune enhancing substances works by boosting
the immune system.I used 2 caps 4 times a day, and now I am giving him 2 caps
3 times a day. Oh and 2 days ago I tried some for me, and I feel so much better
(I am overweight, and had no energy during the afternoons) my bottle is almost
empty, and I decided to become a distributor to help others... THANK YOU FROM
THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!! Diana Arellano diana.arellano02 @ Compton,
CA USA Customary disclaimer: Check with your holistic veterinarian before giving
your animal the natural immune enhancing substances human formula.
Sheltie Kidney Failure Recovery
by Ms Mary Ann
Location: Singapore
Thank you very much for your e-mail and the help you have rendered in my
search for a cure for my beloved Sheltie who has kidney failure. I am indeed
grateful for your speedy reply to my queries on this immune support formula. I am elated
that I could purchase the product here in Singapore and did not have to waste
precious time, ordering it from the US.
Yes, I have given my Sheltie natural immune enhancing substances
to boost his immune system and I also gave him glyconutrients and he is
doing fine. The Vet has told me to bring my dog back after a week but I felt
that she could not do very much for him (she has already told me that the illness
was progressive and that there was no cure). Also, she gave me I MONTH'S supply
of medication ( for a possible bladder infection which was later found that
my dog did not have) for my dog's skin eruptions, TWO weeks of antibiotics based
on my dog's history of tick fever (which he tested positive for as a carrier,
but his blood tests showed that his blood range is normal), and another medication
for high blood pressure ( which was normal during the visit) which she said
was for the high protein level in his blood/urine. I continued with the medications
for a week after I brought my dog back and then stopped as I felt that my dog
was already fighting for his life with his weaker kidneys and I did'nt think
that I was doing enough.
Then I discovered your Website which is a God sent!!. We prayed so hard and
God answered! It is a miracle that my sister and I discovered Shirley's Wellness
Cafe; A MAJOR Miracle because without it, we would not have been able to treat
my sheltie holistically and give him a fighting chance. I also read the valuable
advice given by the vets on your website ( which the vets here will never tell
you) on continuing with the intravenous subtaneously ie. under the skin, with
sodium lactate or Hartman's solution as it helps flush out the toxins in the
body as well as help hydrate the dog. My Vet had given
me 3 bottles of Hartman's for 6 day's supply but after that, I continued
on my own to give my Sheltie the intravenous up to 3 to 4 times a weak as instructed
by the vet on your website. IT IS VERY VALUABLE ADVICE INDEED!!. I cannot thank
you and God enough.
It has been over a month and my precious Sheltie is fine. I thank god every
day that he is still with me. I also changed the diet : No more canned food
or packet kibble food for my sheltie. My vet gave me Hill's prescriptive can
food and told me to put my dog on it from now on. It was'nt a good idea as the
food was terribly bland and he did not want it after a while. Also it was food
that was not 'fresh' or 'alive'. I now prepare fresh human grade foods for all
my dogs. I realise the truth in feeding pets with freshly prepared, live foods
for the nutrients that it contains so that the body can heal itself. - Ms Mary
Ann, Singapore - Email: mayeap<at> - Customary disclaimer:
Check with your holistic veterinarian before giving your animal the immune substance human formula.
Dog With Green Nasal Mucus
I just had to write a short note about how much of a blessing your site has
been. I adopted a 5 yr old Rottweiler from a local animal shelter and from day
1 she was ill. I'm not sure why it wasn't noticeable when I picked her up from
the shelter but, by that evening I noticed she had green mucus running from
her nose, was constantly coughing and appeared to have a fever. She was not
playful at all and just laid around. I took her to the "vet" and use the term
loosely because this man didn't even examine the dog. He didn't take her weight;
listen to her heart or lungs or anything. ng.
He just removed the staples from her
spaying, saw the discharge from her nose and gave her and shot and some antibiotics.
I gave her the antibiotics for about three days and her condition did not improve.
I then began to search the net to find something to give her some relief. I
stumbled upon this site and read all I could about some possible treatments.
I read how natural immune enhancing substances can help boost
the immune system. I ordered the natural immune enhancing substances and as soon as it arrived,
I started to give her 3 capsules twice daily. Today Chelsea is a healthy, happy,
playful and wonderful dog. Thanks so much for providing the wonderful information
contained in your site; it truly is a blessing! - Tonya Harris
Golden Retriever with black skin on her underbelly
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2000
From: "Gabrielle Chaplin" ?>
I find your site really fascinating and extremely helpful. For instance I
have learned a lot about flaxseed oil and have now put my dog on it. Lucy, our
dog has really shown a big improvement since starting her on flaxseed oil just
about 10 days ago now. She is able to sleep at night and during the day without
constantly scratching (she was wearing herself out constantly scratching). Her
skin condition is showing signs of improvement - the black skin on her underbelly
is now becoming pink at last! I am now taking it myself and have noticed a big
improvement in a chronic back pain situation - if it had not been for your web
site I would never ever have known about
flaxseed oil! I am reading through
all the stuff on the various oils and will start to take them as well. I am
only hoping that I can persuade other close members of the family to try these
really amazing oils.
Just a little comment about Herbs - a few years ago we were told that the
problem she was having with her eyes was all down to a rare condition that Golden
Retrievers are prone to called Horners syndrome.
We were told that there was nothing that could be done for her and she would
basically 'have to learn to live with it'. I thought I would try some herbal
treatment - I felt there would be no harm done, even if it did not help her.
I gathered some fresh sage from the garden, put it into a glass jar, poured
boiling water over it and left it for 24 hours. Next day I started to 'drip'
the sage water liquid into her eye and within 2 days we noticed an improvement,
the end of the week saw no sign of her eye condition and it has never re-appeared,
that was over 2 years ago now - maybe someone else who has this problem could
try sage water, it is brilliant for a number of differing ailments! Your web
site is fantastic and now that I have found it I will be 'tuning in' all the
time. Best wishes Gabby Chaplin
Dog allergies - Licking and Biting
Date: Nov. 21, 1999
From: Jean Hamburg
Shirley, I'd like to share with you the wonderful success I've had in treating
my dog's severe licking and biting with all natural and safe combination homeopathic
remedies products.
For over two years, my---now almost 4 year old--Golden Retriever- Hannah-
licked and bit her front legs so badly that they were bleeding and raw. I worked
with my veterinarian as well as specialists-- a dermatologist at a well known
animal hospital and an animal chiropractor. No relief. I obtained lab testing,
found out what Hannah was allergic to, gave her monthly shots and adjusted her
food to avoid anything she was allergic to. No relief. Tried various all natural
products from health foods stores. No relief. She continued to, literally, eat
herself. Tried various antihistamines. !Nothing. Tried vetalog. That helped
a little--but has many side affects. In desperation, tried prozac and elavil.
Nothing. Talked about consulting with a homeopathic veterinarian but the first
hour rate was $90.00. In a brief interview, it was recommended that I purchase
Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats". When I
did so, many of the recommended diets included ingredients that Hannah was allergic
to. Hannah had to wear a plastic cone around her neck to prevent her from biting
herself to a bloody mess.
Finally, last April '99, I learned about two homeopathic combination remedies
for allergies and stress which I gave to Hannah. I gave her first the remedy
for allergies, which produced almost immediate improvement and relief, which
lasted for a few weeks. When I noticed that Hannah began to to lick and bite
her legs again, (although this time it wasn't nearly as severe as it used to
be) I gave her the second remedy (used for stress and compulsive behaviors),
along with the first remedy.
Hannah has done well since. The introduction of these products has made a
world of difference, where nothing else did. Occasionally, she "licks" again--but
nothing like before. I usually find that when this happens, she! also has an
ear infection (Goldens seem prone to them!). I just give her more of these remedies
until "the emergency" is over and she heals and stabilizes quickly. Cats, too,
are treated regularly with these remedies.
I am so enthusiastic about the incredible positive response that animals
(and people) experience with these safe and effective remedies, that I want
to share this information with everyone I know.
Note from Shirley: A growing number of veterinarians are turning to homeopathic
veterinary medicine as a safe and effective alternative to conventional veterinary
practice. You can learn more
about homeopathy for animals. If your animal suffers from a chronic condition
I recommend that you seek a consultation with a holistic or homeopathic veterinarian.
If there are none in your hometown you can always have a telephone consultation
with a holistic vet or an animal consultant. A phone consultation can be just
as effective as an office consultation, especially if you already have a diagnosis
of your animal's condition. I have compiled
a list of homeopathic veterinarians .
" Each day I help pets with allergies get off of steroids and help them live
longer, itch-free lives."Shawn Messonnier DVM
"Gruba" the rabbit with malignant adenoma
By Alicja (from Poland)
Gruba developed addenocarcinoma (malignant adenoma). She had 2 surgeries,
but every time after each surgery tumor was growing back exceeding it's previous
size. About 2 months ago, after these 2 surgeries and a very short chemotherapy
episode that was abandoned, tumor was about 8 cm in diameter and it protruded
ca 2 cm above the skin. My husband convinced my friends that some natural therapies
might help. The truth is that animals usually react much better for natural
therapies then people do. We started the following treatment (rabbit has quite
different metabolism then dog has and thus we couldn't use dr Budwig's mixture
of flaxseed oil and low fat cottage cheese):-changes in the diet: lots of green
leaves, vegetables from health food stores, no raisins that she used to eat
and no "pet junk" food
- -adding fresh flaxseed to diet (4 spoonfuls per day)
- -applying flaxseed oil on visible parts of tumor several times a day
- - a lot sunny and fresh air walks everyday
Gruba started eat flaxseed first, then after 4 days flaxseed oil was applied.
Rabbit used to lick it up each time after application. After about 10 days
natural immune enhancing substances was added. After a week
a healing crisis started: rabbit got diarrhea, lost energy, became depressed.
We calmed our friends saying it is a normal natural process an organism must
experience to overcome the disease.
And we were right: after about 2 days, Gruba got back strength again. Tumor
started to suppurate, secreted brownish, clod-like excretion. Skin around the
tumor lost hair. After 2 weeks, vet observed disappearing of skin diffused
tumor but the tumor's core was visible. After another 2-3 weeks another vet
examination revealed that the tumors core is not visible but can be detectable,
yet with difficulty because it was ca 1,5 cm in diameter and hidden deep in
the abdomen.
Of course, have in mind, that in case of your dog the supplementation of natural immune enhancing substances,
flaxseed oil etc. should be different
that in case of the rabbit. If you need an advice, please write me what is the
weight of your dog. I recommend you natural immune enhancing substances application as it does wonders.
My mother's 2 cat's both have the herpes virus, which causes,
sneezing, upper respiratory congestion and outbreaks in the
mouth. the outbreaks in the mouth were so painful to the cats
that they couldn't eat, some of the sore's would bleed
but all in all just painful to the cats. My mother was having
to take them both in for monthly steroid shots, not only was
it expensive but it takes it's toll on the immune systems of the animals.
I felt there had to be another way so I started to research alternative
help for cats with immune disorders. I happen to come across Shirley's
wellness Cafe and started to read all the testimonials and how exactly
natural immune enhancing substances helps boost the immune system..We ordered the product,
started both the cats on the
natural immune enhancing substances immediately and amazingly enough, both her
cats have been steroid shot free for 8 months!!!! We give them
a 1/2 a capsule each daily and have had incredible results.
One of the cat's "buttons" use to never meow,
now, he meows all the time, he is sooo much happier and healthier!!!
I just wanted to thank Shirly's Wellness Cafe for putting out
there alternative information for our beloved animal friends!!!!
Thank you!! - E Murray
Embarrassing Issue Solved!
"We are so impressed with the dog food ! We can tell you that I was at my wits end trying to
solve an embarrassing issue with my male corgi. The little guy had some kind of allergy that made his fur oily and stink!
He smelt like old sneakers all the time. The vet tried baths with special shampoos and antibiotics, nothing worked.
Well with a few weeks he is stench free and his fur is soft again! But, it even gets better.
My female corgi has an autoimmune problem that attacked her nose and she lost all the pigmentation.
Can you just imagine my surprise when again after only one month on this food; her nose is turning black again!
This is amazing! They are slimmer, have more energy and because the food is so digestible they are
eliminating only twice a day.
The dogs eat the like they are getting treats! We are now going to try the cat food, as I am so impressed with your product."
Julia and Rocco Guarnagia And the happy corgi's.