Infection by Pathogenic Parasites
New research shows that parasites not
only control the behavior of their hosts,
they can change entire ecosystems to suit their needs. "Hookworms
sink their teeth into the intestinal walls of more than a billion people every day to drink their fill of blood."
Human parasites are divided into endoparasites, which cause infection inside the body,
and ectoparasites, which cause infection superficially within the skin.
According to the World Health Organization, 3.5 billion people suffer from some type of parasitic infection.
Not all of these people live in third world countries; many in the developed world have any number of
parasitic infections, some of which are so highly contagious that extremely casual contact with
something that has been handled by an infected person can infect another person.
Symptoms may vary depending on the type and amount of infestation.
The worms may go undetected for years with no apparent symptoms,
or they may be seen in the stool.
It's Not a Tumor - It's a Brain Worm
It's Not a Tumor - Doctors Find Worm In Man's Brain Instead
- Doctors in Arizona thought a man had a possible
brain tumor, but it turned out there was something else penetrating
his brain – a worm. (watch the video)
Dr. Hulda Clark - " I have seen that eczema is due
to roundworms. Seizures are caused by a single roundworm
Ascarts, getting into the brain. Schizophrenia and depression are caused by parasites in the brain. Asthma is caused by Ascaris in the lungs.
Diabetes is caused by the pancreatic fluke of cattle, Eurytrema. Migraines are caused by the threadworm, Strongyloides. Acme
rosacea is caused by a Leishmania. Much human heart disease is caused by
dog heart worm, Dirofilaria. And the list goes on and on."
Clay is an excellent vermifuge
attracting and binding internal parasites and packaging them
for disposal. Knishinsky’s research
suggests that the regular intake of liquid clay (typically one to
three tablespoons daily, in divided doses) can produce other benefits
including parasite removal from the intestines, allergy and hay
fever relief, and elimination of anemia and acne. For example, clay
helps anemia because it contains both types of dietary iron (ferrous
and ferric) in an easily assimilated form; it reduces discomfort
from allergies by quickly neutralizing allergens that would otherwise
produce allergic reactions; and it reduces heartburn and indigestion
by absorbing excess stomach acids.
Dr. Cohen - "In addition to the role it plays as a potent
detoxifier, Calcium Montmorillonite Clay
has also been used extensively in the treatment of pain, open wounds, colitis,
diarrhea, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, intestinal problems, acne, anemia,
and a variety of other health issues."
The Role of the Immune System in Controlling Parasites in Humans and Animals
Parasite infestations may be severe or mild and can be life threatening,
especially for children. A common side affect is the POOR absorption
of critical nutrients for growth potentially
leading to anemia, growth problems, and a weakened immune function
creating susceptibility for disease. According to numerous books,
parasites are commonly found in people with AIDS, chronic fatigue
syndrome, candidiasis, and many other disorders. Symptoms may include
abdominal pains, diarrhea, anemia, cardiac insufficiency, nausea,
perianal and perineal pruritis, dysentery, amebic hepatitis, weight
loss, intestinal toxemia, colic and cirrhosis.
Linda Page, N.D. Ph.D. writes that our immune system is
our bodyguard. It works both pro-actively and protectively to shield
you from anything in your world that threatens your life and limb.
Our immune system is ever-vigilant, constantly searching for proteins,
called antigens, that don't belong in our body. It can deal with
a wide range of pathogens - viruses, funguses, bacteria and parasites.
It can even recognize potential antigens, such as drugs, pollens,
insect venoms and chemicals in foods, and malignant cells and foreign
tissue, such as transplanted organs or transfused blood.
Pinworms, tapeworms, and roundworms are parasites existing in the intestinal
tract. The three most common types of worms found in the body are:
the thread or seat worms (Oxyurix vermicularis), the roundworm (Ascares
lumbricoides--lumbrici), and the tapeworm (Taeince-taenia solium,
Bothriocephalus latus). There are other less-common worm types that
enter the body, such as hookworms (Ancylostoma duodenal, Nectar
Americanus) and those of unclean pork (Trichinella spiralis), which
thrive upon various conditions of
filth and degeneration.
The intestinal roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides infection in humans follows the ingestion
of Ascaris eggs that have contaminated foods or soil. In the small
intestine the larvae are liberated and migrate through the intestinal
wall, reaching the lungs, where they may produce a host sensitization
that results in lung inflammation and fluid retention. About 10
days later, the larvae pass from the respiratory passages into the
digestive tract and mature into egg-producing worms, which grow
to some 15 to 40 cm (6 to 16 inches) in length, in the small intestine.
Serious, even fatal,complications of ascariasis result from the infiltration of the larvae into sensitive
tissues, such as the brain, and from the migration of the adult
worms into various body structures where they produce abcesses and
toxic manifestations. Ascariasis exists worldwide and is believed
to affect some 660 million persons.
Adult worms live in the lumen of the small intestine. A female
may produce up to 240,000 eggs per day, which are passed with the
feces . Fertile eggs embryonate and become infective after 18 days
to several weeks , depending on the environmental conditions (optimum:
moist, warm, shaded soil). After infective eggs are swallowed ,
the larvae hatch , invade the intestinal mucosa, and are carried
via the portal, then systemic circulation to the lungs . The larvae
mature further in the lungs (10 to 14 days), penetrate the alveolar
walls, ascend the bronchial tree to the throat, and are swallowed
. Upon reaching the small intestine, they develop into adult worms
. Between 2 and 3 months are required from ingestion of the infective
eggs to oviposition by the adult female. Adult worms can live 1
to 2 years
I was a child I was in poor health and my weak immune system
could not protect me against all sorts of infections and parasites.
I had tapeworms. Now, in perfect health and with a
strong immune system,
I don't have to worry about parasites of infections anymore. The same is true for my
German Shepherd dog, Shasta. Her healthy
immune system protects her against all types of parasites. I
believe that a strong immune system can protect people or animals
from any type of parasites. Read what Dr. Brown
and Dr. Pollak say about our animal's health and immune
system. Shirley
Pets Worms, Parasites and Liver Disease
"I just want to caution everyone that unless you have seen
an infestation of worm eggs or larvae on a slide done from a fecal float and your dogs are
presenting with symptoms of a worm infestation, please - do NOT just routinely worm you dogs.
Believe it or not, routine worming is being found to cause auto-immune deficiencies and diseases
in our pets! " "Disease, illness and symptoms come from within. A relatively healthy animal will
not be susceptible to those things. So the ultimate answer is not to prevent heartworm (or round
worms or parvo or whatever), by some artificial means, but rather to work on improving and maintaining
good health. To the degree that you can improve your dog's level of health, disease of any kind becomes
less threatening." "I would like to have us look at building a strong, healthy immune system in our dogs.
The immune system is what protects our dogs, (cats, horses and of course ourselves) from everything from
viruses and germs to cancer cells. A weak immune system plays a key role in causing disease. "
Dr Jeannie Thomason
Cindy Engel Ph.D. -
"Infection by pathogenic parasites may be a symptom of ill health, rather than the simple or single
cause. We are all surrounded by zillions of bacteria, fungi, worms,
insects and predators out looking for an easy meal. Each host species
carries many parasites specialized in attacking that species alone,
and many more that can be shared with others. There are more species
of parasite than there are host species. Parasitism is the norm
for life on this planet, not the exception. Nonetheless, a healthy
animal host usually resists severe infection. It is the already
debilitated animal, or the one living in an exceptionally infectious
environment, that succumbs. "...when defenses are insufficient to
the task, the parasite population becomes uncontrollable, and the
plant or animal gets sick and may die. In death, the rot really
sets in, as other species take advantage of the now undefended nutrients."
"Many parasites colonize the absorptive
surface of your dog or cat’s small intestine, causing problems with
nutrient absorption. Parasites also use the nutrition intended for
your pet. Some parasitic infections cause an inflammatory response
in the intestine which can result in increased permeability and
susceptibility to other diseases. Routine deworming of your pet
(most monthly flea preventives also contain a dewormer) can cause
disruption of the normal bacterial environment. Parasites are always
attracted to the weakest of the species. The likelihood your pet
will develop a parasitic infection is directly related to how healthy
he or she is. When an animal is weak (from excessive drug use, poor
diet or genetic factors), parasites are more likely to gain a foothold.
If you’re deworming your pet on a regular basis (for example, monthly),
there’s a good chance the dewormer is not even effectively treating
the parasites your pet has." Dr. Karen Becker DVM
An animal with a
healthy immune system will be less likely to become infected with dog worms, including heartworm.
Mosquitoes are less likely to bite healthy dogs. In addition, the healthy animals own defense
system is able to kill off the larvae of any heartworm that may
enter the bloodstream, thus preventing them from reaching maturity
and causing harm. Factors that will weaken your dog's immune
system include frequent vaccination, commercial pet foods,
incorrect diet, stress and even conventional heartworm and other synthetic medication.
Pets with a strong immune system
may be protected from all sorts of diseases, including heartworm. Read what Drs. Page, Brown, and Pollaks are saying:
- Linda Page, N.D. Ph.D. writes that our immune system is our bodyguard. It works both pro-actively
and protectively to shield you from anything in your world
that threatens your life and limb. Our immune system is
ever-vigilant, constantly searching for proteins, called
antigens, that don't belong in our body. It can deal with
a wide range of pathogens - viruses, funguses, bacteria
and parasites. It can even recognize potential antigens,
such as drugs, pollens, insect venoms and chemicals in foods,
and malignant cells and foreign tissue, such as transplanted
organs or transfused blood. This is also true for our animals. I believe that a strong immune system can
protect animals from heartworm.
William Pollak D.V.M. - "Dogs, cats and other animals
live for years on foods that come out of bags, cans and
boxes. But do these foods promote health? If they did, our
companion animals would enjoy long, happy lives free of
arthritis, hip dysplasia, eye problems, ear problems, fleas
and other parasites, gum disease, lick granulomas, thyroid imbalances, skin and coat problems,
personality disorders, birth defects, breeding problems, diabetes, cancer and other major and minor illnesses.
Before World War II, most North Americans fed their pets raw bones and table scraps. Today,
everyone uses convenience foods, and pet food companies are industry giants. Diet isn't the only thing that has changed.
So has life expectancy, with the life span of many breeds now less than half what it was two or three decades ago.
Skin and coat problems are so common that we accept them as unavoidable,
and today's vets routinely treat conditions that used to be unusual or even rare."
- Jeffrey Levy. DVM - Heart worm parasite is a source
of great anxiety among dog caretakers. Thanks in large part
to the scare tactics of many veterinarians in promoting
preventive drugs, many people believe that contracting heartworms
is the equivalent of a death sentence for their dogs. This
is not true.
Pets have many of the same parasites that we get, including
Ascaris (common roundworm), hookworm, Trichinella, Strongyloides,
heartworm and a variety of tapeworms. Every pet living in your home
should be deparasitized (cleared of parasites) and maintained on
a parasite program. Monthly trips to your vet are not sufficient.
You may not need to get rid of your pet to keep yourself free of
parasites. But if you are quite ill it is best to board it with
a friend until you are better. Your pet is part of your family and
should be kept as sweet and clean and healthy as yourself. This
is not difficult to achieve.
Jeffrey Levy. DVM - Heart worm parasite
is a source of great anxiety among dog caretakers. Thanks in large
part to the scare tactics of many veterinarians in promoting preventive
drugs, many people believe that contracting heart worms is the equivalent
of a death sentence for their dogs. This is not true.
What are the consequences of not treating internal parasites?
In some cases, apart from slight irritation, your pet may not be
too concerned about a mild worm infestation. However a number of
internal parasites can be life threatening, particularly in large
numbers. Some pets may even develop a hypersensitivity to worms,
which can cause serious complications. How do I know if my pet has
A Healthy Liver Helps Keep Parasites Under Control
Most people don't know that a weak liver can be the cause
of many chronic health problems. Gallbladder problems, constant
fatigue, sleep disorders, heart palpitations, poor memory, skin
problems, allergies, arthritis, thyroid problems, frequent numbness
in the extremities, frequent infection and fainting are a few examples
of what may result when the liver is stressed. In addition, women's
health problems such as uterine fibroids,
ovarian cysts, endometriosis and painful menstruation may also be
the result of weak liver. When a dysfunctional liver goes undetected
as an underlying cause, it can lead to an endless cycle of failed
solutions and further guessing.
The liver is the largest organ in your body, and carries the
greatest workload of all the organs. The liver’s complex chemical
factory works 24 hours a day converting the food that you eat into
substances vital for life and neutralizing and destroying toxic
substances. The liver is essential for fat and protein metabolism,
the regulation of body cholesterol as well as adrenal, thyroid and
sex hormones.
The naturThe natural course of life can cause the liver to get stressed,
overworked, toxic and exhausted. Toxic chemicals, food preservatives,
bad diet, environmental toxins, cigarettes, alcohol and prescription
drugs all deteriorate the liver, drain its energy and make it hard
or virtually impossible for it to do its job. Once the liver gets
overloaded accumulating toxins, its life-sustaining functions begin
to suffer and gradually drop out. This places the body in a state
of emergency that debilitates and damages all other organs, leading
to numerous chronic conditions afflicting millions daily. Life with
a toxic or overloaded liver can be fatiguing, depressing, filled
with disease, unwanted conditions.
When a dysfunctional liver goes undetected as an underlying cause, it
can lead to an endless cycle of failed solutions and further guessing.
Ultimately, a person’s health can only be as good as his liver is.
A bad liver will affect all other organs without exception. It could
deter healing, slow down recovery, cause fatigue, weak immunity,
low energy, weight gain, depression, ailments of all sorts including
degenerative diseases such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis and much
How To Detox The Liver Naturally with Coffee Enema
Following are the most common symptoms and conditions: Being
on edge (easily stressed), elevated cholesterol, skin conditions, skin irritation,
depression, sleep difficulties, fat indigestion, kidney damage, heart damage,
brain damage, Hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue, weight fain, poor memory, PMS,
mental fog, blood sugar disorders, allergies, obesity. If you have tried many
ways to improve your health and energy level and nothing seemed to adequately
help, it is very possible that your overworked liver underlies your difficulties.
Restoring liver function is one of the most important and vital actions you
could ever do for your health. When the liver gets congested and toxic, it will
remain that way and get worse until it gets detoxified and rejuvenated.
Microbiome, Friendly Bacteria in the Intestinal Tract
The secret to good health lies in the friendly
bacteria in the intestinal tract known as microbiome Lactobacillus bacteria form a
significant part of the natural intestinal flora. Large populations of this, and other
lactic acid producing bacteria, regulate the levels of friendly bacteria and reduce the
levels of toxic pathogens that cause ill health. The reproduction ability of the bacteria
in the gut is the single most important factor in a probiotic product.
“The ever present armies of microbes in your digestive tract are so essential to your
survival, a new study says, that you might consider yourself a super-organism — human
plus microbes equals you. These hordes of "gut bugs" perform
digestive duties that the human body alone cannot, according to the first ever comprehensive
study of these microbes' genes. The study maps the genes of the estimated 500 or more
species that live inside us. About a quarter of these genes appear to belong to unknown
species.” "We are discovering parts of ourselves we were not aware of," said
microbiologist and study co-author Dr. Jeffrey Gordon of the School of Medicine at Washington
University in St. Louis, Missouri. "It's a whole other planet down there."
“Our bodies carry ten times more microbial cells than human cells, and these microbes
collectively contain at least a hundred times the number of genes in the human genome.”
Herbal Parasite Remedies
by Hulda Regehr Clark Ph.D
The material you are about to read is quoted from Dr. Hulda's book,
The Cure for all Diseases. It is presented here as a public
information service only. All rights are reserved by the author and/or the publisher.
Getting rid of all these parasites would be absolutely impossible using
clinical medicines that can kill only one or two parasites each.
Such medicines also tend to make you quite ill. Flaghl is used for
Amoebas and Giardia. When the correct dosage is used, it can cause
extreme nausea and vomiting. Quinine used for Malaria is quite toxic.
Imagine taking 1O such drugs to kill a dozen of your parasites!
That may be a great strategy for drug makers, but not for you.
There is a better way. Three herbs can rid you of over 100 different
types of parasites! And without so much as a headache! Without nausea!
And without interfering with any other drug that you may need to
take! Does this sound too fantastic? Just too good to be true? These
herbs are nature's gift to us. The herbs you need are:
* Black Walnut Green Tincture
* Wormwood Tincture
* Cloves Tincture
If you use them together you will rid yourself of all these parasites.
They must be used together as a single treatment. If you kill only
the adults, the tiny stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults.
If you kill only eggs, the million stages already loose in your
body will soon grow into adults and make more eggs. So all the herbs
should be used together as a single treatment.
The green hull surrounding the nut of the black walnut tree is
a miraculous parasiticide. After it has turned black it is useless.
The large green balls fall to the ground early in the fall. In a
week or two they will be black and decaying. Therefore, anyone wishing
to make parasiticide must be careful not to let the critical time
for harvesting pass. I encourage everyone to make their own parasiticide,
and to take back the responsibility of keeping themselves and their
families free of these tiny monsters. The recipe for Black Walnut
Green Hull Tincture is given in Recipes.
Note that it is a tincture -- extracted using grain alcohol --
rather than an ordinary extract, which use water. The Black Walnut
extract available from some herb companies is not potent enough
to make an effective parasiticide. It is black, not pale green,
indicating that the critical harvesting time had passed. Of course
there is no time to make your own if you have fast growing or metastasizing
cancer (See the chapter on Sources).
These three herbs must be used together. Black walnut hull and
wormwood kill adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites.
Cloves kill the eggs. Only if you use them together will you rid
yourself of parasites. If you kill only the adults, the tiny stages
and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the eggs,
the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow into
adults and make more eggs. They must be used together as a single
It is the green hull surrounding the nut of the black walnut
tree that has this miraculous parasiticide. After it has turned
black, it is useless. The large green balls fall to the ground early
in the fall. In a week or two they will be black and decaying. Therefore,
anyone wishing to make parasiticide must be careful not to let the
critical time for harvesting pass. I encourage everyone to make
their own parasiticides and to take back the responsibility for
keeping themselves and their families free of these tiny monsters.
The recipe for Black Walnut Hull Tincture (extra strength) is given
in Recipes (page 503).
Note that it is a tincture (extracted using grain alcohol), not
an ordinary extract (which uses water). The black walnut extract
that is available from herb companies is not potent as a parasiticide.
It is black, not pale green, indicating that the critical harvesting
time had passed. Of course there is no time to make your own if
you have fast growing or metastasizing cancer. See the chapter Sources.
You will only need one 1 oz. bottle. While you are waiting for
it to arrive, get your other 2 herbs ready: wormwood and cloves.
Wormwood consists of the leaves of the Artemisia shrub. My recommendation
is that you grow it yourself if you have any space to do so. Wormwood
seed is available from seed catalogs, see Sources.
The amount you need to cure a cancer is very small, yet you cannot
do without it. But the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has regulated
it as toxic! It is therefore unavailable in concentrated form from
herb companies. The evidence for toxicity accepted by the FDA must
have been hearsay. I have never seen a case of toxicity, not so
much as a headache or nausea. The toxic level must be much higher
than is needed to kill these parasites.
This shrub is called wormwood for good reason: it kills worms!
There is quite a bit of confusion over which Artemisia is the true
wormwood. Books and nurseries can be wrong, even though they assure
you they are correct! Buy Artemisia absynthium for your garden.
Wormwood goes back to antiquity and is mentioned in the Bible.
If you grow your own, dry the leaves when they are in their prime.
The leaves are greenish gray and quite bitter. Nobody would accidentally
eat too much of them. Adults may put them in capsules. For a child,
crumble ¼ tsp. and stir into honey. I have not done experiments
to be more precise than this. Wormwood capsules are available as
a combination of Artemisia, and other herbs (see Sources).
The third herb necessary to cure cancer is cloves. This is the
common spice used in baking. It needs to be ground up in order to
release its parasite killing properties. You can buy a can of whole
cloves and grind them in a blender or grinder. Store-bought "ground
cloves" do not work! Their parasite killing properties have evaporated
long ago. Ground cloves from a health food store or herb shop may
not work either! They may have been ground years ago.